Notification and summary email messages are constructed using templates located in the emails directory of a CMS instance. This directory has the following default location:
<server_root> is the directory where the CMS binaries are kept. You first
specified this directory during installation.
<instance_id> is the ID for this instance of Certificate Management
System. You first specified this when you installed this server.
Both text an HTML templates are included by default. They are listed in Table 13.6 and Table 13.7.
Templates for Event-Triggered Notifications
Table 13.6 lists the default template files provided for formulating event-triggered-notification messages. You can change the name of these files as applicable; be sure to make the appropriate changes to the configuration (see the "Content template file" field on page 367 and page 369).
Tokens, which you can use as variables in the body of the message, are defined for each templates enabling you to customize the message; the token is replaced by its current variable value in the constructed message. For details, see "Customizing Message Templates".
Note that in the CMS configuration, template files for event-triggered notifications are identified as follows:
<subsystem> specifies the prefix that identifies the subsystem to which the
configuration parameter belongs--ca for the Certificate Manager and ra for
the Registration Manager.
<notification_name> specifies the name of the event-triggered
notification--certIssued for the certificate issuance notifications to end
entities and requestInQ for the request in queue notifications to agents.
<template_file_path> specifies the path, including the filename, to the
directory that contains the template to be used for formulating the message
Templates for Summary Notifications
Table 13.7 lists the default template files for formulating the notification messages that summarize jobs that were executed by the Job Scheduler component of a Certificate Manager or Registration Manager. You can change the name of these files as applicable; be sure to make the appropriate changes to the configuration.
For summaries, a separate template is used to format the entry for each item in the summary. The item entries are then added to a table in the summary message.
Tokens, which you can use as variables in the body of the message, are defined for each templates enabling you to customize the message; the token is replaced by its current variable value in the constructed message. For details, see "Customizing Message Templates".
Note that in the CMS configuration, template files for schedulable jobs are identified as follows:
<job_name> specifies the job instance name. For a list of job instances
created by default, see Table 14.1.
<template_file_path> specifies the path, including the filename, to the
directory that contains the template to be used for formulating the message
Customizing Message Templates
You can modify the templates to customize the contents and appearance of messages. The message body can contain HTML or plain text. In the body of the message, you can use tokens or keywords as variables. A token is indicated by the dollar character ($) and is replaced by its current variable value in the constructed message. Different tokens are available for each job or notification class. These are listed in "Tokens Available in Message Templates".
For example, a certificate-issuance-notification message can make use of tokens as follows:
Your certificate request ($RequestId) has been processed successfully.
Details of your certificate are as follows:
Serial Number= $SerialNumber
SubjectDN= $SubjectDN
IssuerDN= $IssuerDN
Validity Period= $NotBefore - $NotAfter
To get your certificate, please follow this URL:
If you have any questions or problems, please send an email to
Thank you.
Tokens Available in Message Templates
This section explains the tokens provided in the templates used by the default job plug-in and event-triggered notification modules to formulate notification messages.
Tokens for Certificate Issuance Notifications to End Entities
Table 13.8 lists the tokens that are available in the message templates provided for formulating the content of email notifications to end entities; a Certificate Manager or Registration Manager can send these notifications upon issuance of the certificates they requested.
Tokens for Renewal Notification Messages
This section lists the tokens that are available in the message templates for instances of the RenewalNotificationJob class or plug-in module.
Table 13.9 lists the tokens that you can use for formulating this job's summary report. You can customize the content and format of the items in the report by using the tokens defined in Table 13.10.
Table 13.10 lists the tokens for the inner list items.
Tokens for Request In Queue Notification Messages
Table 13.11 lists the tokens that you can use for formulating the content of the RequestInQueueJob job's summary report.
Tokens for Directory Update Notification Messages
This section lists the tokens that are available in summary message templates for instances of the UnpublishExpiredJob class or plug-in module.
Table 13.12 lists the tokens that are available for this jobs's summary report. You can customize the content and format of the items in the report by using the tokens defined in Table 13.13.
Table 13.13 lists the tokens for the inner list items.