Complete Contents
About This Guide
PART 1: Overview and Demo Installation
Chapter 1 Introduction to Certificate Management System 4.0
Chapter 2 Default Demo Installation
PART 2: Planning and Installation
Chapter 3 Planning Your Deployment
Chapter 4 Installation Worksheet
Chapter 5 Installation and Configuration
Appendix A Migrating from Certificate Server 1.x
Appendix B Certificate Extensions
Appendix C Certificate Download Specification
Appendix D Using SSL with Enterprise Server 3.x
Appendix E Export Control Information
Next Contents Index Bookshelf

About This Guide

The Installation and Deployment Guide describes how to plan for the deployment of a public-key infrastructure (PKI) using Netscape Certificate Management System (CMS). It provides the basic information required to set up a simple default pilot, make basic deployment decisions, and install and configure CMS subsystems.

This preface has the following sections:

What You Should Already Know
This guide is intended for experienced system administrators who are planning to deploy Netscape Certificate Management System. CMS agents should refer to Netscape Certificate Management System Agent's Guide for information on how to perform agent tasks, such as handling certificate requests and revoking certificates.

Before reading this guide, you should be familiar with the role of Netscape Console in managing Netscape servers. For background information, see the accompanying manual, Managing Servers with Netscape Console.

In particular, you must be familiar with the basic concepts of public-key cryptography and the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol before you attempt to install and use Certificate Management System. These include the following topics:

For overviews of these topics, see Appendix D and Appendix E of Managing Servers with Netscape Console.

What's in This Guide
This guide covers the following topics:

Part 1, Overview and Demo Installation

Part 2, Planning and Installation

Appendixes and Glossary

Conventions Used in This Guide
This guide uses the following conventions:

This guide also contains the following special notes:

Note You can use Netscape Console only when Administration Server is up and running.

Caution A caution note documents a potential risk of losing data, damaging software or hardware, or otherwise disrupting system performance.

Unix Marks text that applies only to the Unix versions of Certificate Management System.

NT Marks text that applies only to the Windows NT versions of Certificate Management System.

Where to Go for Related Information
This section summarizes the documentation that ships with Certificate Management System, using these conventions:

The documentation set for Certificate Management System includes the following:

Important Do not change the default location of any of the HTML files; they are used for online help. You may move the PDF files to another location.

For a complete list of all documentation that ships with Certificate Management System, including documentation for Directory Server, see Documentation Summary, located at <server_root>/manual/index.html.

For the latest information about Certificate Management System, including current release notes, technical notes, and deployment information, see


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