
Trois dimensions importantes pour caracteriser les sites web

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The judges who rated the 120 websites on the As, scale items also rated these sites on the 141 adjectives, using a 5-point Likert scale that ranged from "not at all applies" to "very much applies." A choice of "not applicable to any website" was also provided. Adjectives that more than 10 percent of the judges said were "not applicable to any website" were deleted. This procedure decreased the item pool to 76.

Factor 1: Entertainment. The "Entertainment" factor was best defined by six adjectives (Alpha= .92): fun, exciting, cool, imaginative, entertaining, and flashy.

Factor 2: Informativeness. The Informativeness factor is best defined by: informative, intelligent, knowledgeable, resourceful, useful, and helpful (Alpha = .94).

Factor 3: Organization. Organization is operationalized by four adjectives (Alpha = .84): (not) messy, (not) cumbersome, (not) confusing, and (not) irritating.

We also calculated bivariate correlations among AS, and the descriptive dimensions. As the formula given above would predict, Informativeness correlated the highest (68), followed by Entertainment (.51) and Organization (.44).