

access control
A mechanism for controlling access to your Collabra Server and to the discussion groups stored on your server. See also directory service.

access control rule
Defines the rights a user or user group has to a particular discussion group.

Access Control List. A set of access rules.

active file
The active file contains a list of all the discussion groups stored on your server. For each discussion group, the low and high article numbers and a flag indicating the type of group is included. The server is sensitive to the exact format of this file.

The person responsible for managing and maintaining a Collabra Server.

administration server
The HTTP server used to configure any Netscape servers, such as the Netscape Collabra Server. When you install the Collabra Server, the administration server is automatically installed (if one does not already exist on your server).

The fundamental unit of discussion groups. An article consists of header information and body text.

Holds descriptive information about fields on a form. Attributes have a label and a value. Each attribute also follows a standard syntax for the type of information that can be stored as the attribute value.

attribute list
A list of required and optional attributes for a given field on a form.

1) Process of proving the identity of the client user to the Collabra Server. 2) Process of proving the identity of the Collabra Server to a client or another news server.

authentication certificate
A digital file sent from server to client or client to server in order to verify and authenticate the other party. The certificate ensures the authenticity of its holder (the client or the server). Certificates are not transferable.

See access control.

Software, such as Netscape Navigator, used to request and view World Wide Web material. Also known as a client program.

See Certification Authority.

A type of discussion group that affects the presentation in the client interface.

categorized discussion group
A type of discussion group that contains categories. See also category.

Certification Authority
A company or organization that issues authentication certificates. You can purchase an authentication certificate from a Certification Authority that you trust. Also known as a CA.

See authentication certificate.

Certificate Server
Netscape's server product for creating, distributing, and managing digital certificates.

1) Any process that requests a service from a server program. 2) Any newsreader or browser application that accesses the Collabra Server.

control articles
Articles sent to a replication site that asks the news server to create discussion groups, delete outdated discussion groups, cancel articles, and other similar tasks. Control articles are stored in the control discussion group.

See thread.

When an article is posted simultaneously to multiple discussion groups only one copy of the article is stored in the spool. The other copies, known as crossposts, are links to the main article.

A standalone program that can communicate with the innd process and can be used to perform some basic administrative functions outside of the Collabra Server interface.

daemon program
A Unix program that runs in the background, independent of a terminal, and performs a function whenever necessary. Common examples of daemon programs are mail handlers, license servers, and print daemons. On Windows NT machines, this type of program is called a service. See also service.

daily report
The Collabra Server report that describes the status of the server's daily maintenance tasks.

Directory Server
The Netscape server that manages information about people, discussion groups, and access control.

directory service
An application designed to manage information about people and resources within an organization.

See thread.

discussion group
A collection of articles that are kept on one or more news servers. See also public discussion group and private discussion group.

discussion group hierarchy
The representation of discussion groups from the top-level discussion group to the lowest-level discussion group. For example in the alt.music.classical.beethoven.symphonies discussion group hierarchy, alt is the top-level discussion group; symphonies is the lowest-level discussion group.

discussion group replication
The way two or more news servers exchange articles and share information. Servers can accept discussion groups, send discussion groups, or both.

discussion replication log
The Collabra Server log that provides information about discussion group replication on your server.

distinguished name
String representation of an entry's name and location in an LDAP directory.

Domain Name Service. The system used by machines on a network to associate standard IP addresses (such as with hostnames (such as www.netscape.com). Machines normally get this translated information from a DNS server.

DNS alias
A DNS alias is a hostname that the DNS server knows points to a different host--specifically a DNS CNAME record. Machines always have one real name, but they can have one or more aliases. For example, www.yourdomain.domain might be an alias that points to a real machine called realthing.yourdomain.domain where the server currently exists.

The process of disguising information so that it cannot be deciphered (decrypted) by anyone but the intended recipient.

enterprise network
A network that consists of collections of networks connected to each other over a geographically dispersed area. The enterprise network serves the needs of a widely distributed company and is used by the company's mission-critical applications.

expiration policy
The policy that determines how long articles in a particular discussion group will remain on the Collabra Server before they are deleted from the server.

The Collabra Server program that manages article expiration.

The part of a company intranet that customers and suppliers can access. See also intranet.

feed log
See discussion replication log.

file type
The format of a given file. For example, a graphics file doesn't have the same file type as a text file.

A network configuration, usually both hardware and software, that forms a barrier between networked computers within an organization and those outside the organization. A firewall is commonly used to protect information such as a network's email, discussion groups, and data files within a physical building or organization site.

The specialized web documents used to configure and administer the Collabra server. Forms are composed of fields, where specific instructions to the Collabra Server are entered.

File Transfer Protocol. The TCP/IP-based protocol for transferring files from one host to another.

history file
The Collabra Server file that contains a list of the articles your server has stored and possibly expired. The history file includes information about the creation time of the article, the message-ID, and the location of the article in the spool.

The machine on which one or more news servers reside.

A name for a machine of the form machine.domain.domain, which is translated into an IP address. For example, www.netscape.com is the machine www in the subdomain netscape and domain com. See also IP address.

Hypertext Markup Language is a formatting language used for documents on the World Wide Web. HTML files are plain text files with formatting codes that tell browsers such as the Netscape Navigator how to display text, position graphics and form items, and display links to other pages.

Hypertext Transfer Protocol is the method for exchanging information between HTTP servers and clients.

HTTP daemon, a program that serves information using the HTTP protocol.

A secure version of HTTP, implemented using the secure sockets layer, SSL.

incoming discussion groups
Discussion groups sent to your Collabra Server from other news servers.

A program that comes with the Collabra Server that enables discussion group moderators to approve messages.

The process that indexes articles for full-text searching purposes.

A file that lists programs that need to be restarted if they stop for any reason (this ensures a program continually runs). It is also called /etc/inittab because of its location. This isn't available on all Unix systems.

InterNetNews. The INN server, on which portions of the Collabra Server are based, was developed by Rich Salz.

The main INN process that handles all discussion group replications, listens to the specified news port, and responds to connections from newsreaders.

The INN process that transmits articles to servers. This process is invoked by the nntpsend process.

The name given to the worldwide network of networks that uses TCP/IP protocols.

A network that is not necessarily connected to the global Internet.

A network of TCP/IP networks within a company or organization. Intranets enable companies to employ the same types of servers and client software used for the World Wide Web for internal applications distributed over the corporate LAN. Sensitive information on an intranet that communicates with the Internet is usually protected by a firewall. See also firewall and extranet.

Internet Protocol. The basic network-layer protocol on which the Internet and intranets are based.

IP address
Internet Protocol address--a set of numbers, separated by dots, such as, that specifies the actual location of a machine on an intranet or the Internet.

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Directory service protocol designed to run over TCP/IP and across multiple platforms. The Netscape Directory Server uses the LDAP protocol.

LDAP client
Software used to request and view LDAP entries from an LDAP Directory Server. For example, the Netscape Collabra Server acts as an LDAP client when it connects to the Directory Server to request access information.

LDAP Data Interchange Format. The format used to represent Directory Server entries in text form.

lower-level discussion group
Any discussion group not at the top of a discussion group hierarchy. For example, music.classical.brahms is a lower-level discussion group in the following discussion group hierarchy: music.classical.

mail/news gateway
A gateway that sends mail messages to a discussion group.

manager role
One of the predefined user roles; grants a user all permissions to a particular discussion group or discussion group hierarchy.

Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions. This is a popular standard for multimedia email and messaging.

See discussion group replication. (Newsfeed is the term more commonly used in the Usenet environment.)

The program that performs the daily tasks for maintaining the Collabra Server. These tasks include producing a status report, removing old articles, and renumbering the active file.

news log
See server log.

See discussion group. (Newsgroup is the term more commonly used in the Usenet environment.)

The process that schedules jobs, such as running news.daily, updating profiles, the nntpsend process, and so on.

Any client software that can access and read messages stored on a news server. For example, Netscape Collabra is the newsreader component of Netscape Communicator.

Network Information Service--a system of programs and data files that Unix machines use to collect, collate, and share specific information about machines, users, file systems, and network parameters throughout a network of computers.

The server process that handles newsreaders. The nnrpd process is invoked by the innd process.

Network News Transport Protocol. The basic protocol used to exchange network news articles between multiple news servers and between news servers and newsreaders. The protocol specifies how news is transferred over the Internet and intranets. NNTP uses TCP as a transport protocol.

The NNTP process that batches discussion group replications for transmittal by the innxmit process.

The main Netscape administration server process.

outgoing discussion groups
Discussion groups sent by your Collabra Server to other news servers.

password file
A file on Unix machines that stores Unix user login names, passwords, and user ID numbers. It is also known as /etc/passwd, because of where it is kept.

Another news server that connects to the Collabra Server to exchange articles through discussion group replication.

A right that determines a user's access to a particular discussion group. A set of rights is associated with a user role. See also role.

poster role
One of the predefined user roles; enables a user to post to, read, and view a discussion group.

private discussion group
Any discussion group that is available through your news server to specific users (via access control)

process feed
An instruction to the server to send all of the articles arriving in a specified discussion group or discussion group hierarchy to a program.

A set of rules that describes how devices on a network exchange information.

public-key encryption
Encryption that uses two keys: a public key for encrypting data, and a private key for decrypting data. Someone sending you encrypted information encrypts it using your public key. The information can then only be decrypted using your private key.

public discussion group
Any discussion group that is available to anyone with access to your Collabra Server or to a news server that receives this discussion group from your server.

pull feeds
Discussion group replication in which a news server pulls information from another news server. The Collabra Server does not support pull feeds.

push feeds
Discussion group replication in which a news server pushes information to other news servers. Servers that support push feeds can push information to other servers and receive information that is pushed to it. The Collabra Server supports push feeds.

Random Access Memory. The physical semiconductor-based memory in a computer.

reader process
See nnrpd.

reader role
One of the predefined user roles; enables a user to read and view articles in a particular discussion group or discussion group hierarchy.

See discussion group replication.

Any document (URL), directory, or program that the server can access and send to a client that asks for it.

Request for Comments. Procedures or standards documents submitted to the Internet community. Eventually, the RFC becomes the Internet standard.

A set of permissions that determine the type of access a user has to a particular discussion group or discussion group hierarchy.

The most privileged user available on Unix machines. The root user has complete access privileges to all files on the machine.

Definitions that describe what types of information can be stored as entries in the Netscape Directory Server. When information that does not match the schema is stored in the directory, clients attempting to access the directory might be unable to display the proper results.

secure server
Any news server that uses SSL security to encrypt data before it is transmitted on the network.

Secure Sockets Layer
See SSL.

server daemon
The server daemon is a Unix process that, once running, listens for and accepts requests from clients.

server log
The Collabra Server log that contains information about most server activities, such as who connected to the server, what discussion groups were read, what articles were posted, and what problems occurred.

Server Manager
A collection of forms that allows you to perform administrative management of your Collabra Server with a browser.

server root
A directory on the server machine dedicated to holding the server program, configuration, maintenance, and information files.

A background process on a Windows NT machine that is responsible for a particular system task. Service processes do not need human intervention to continue functioning. (Known as a daemon on Unix machines.)

Simple Network Management Protocol. The protocol used to monitor and manage IP devices across a network.

Secure Sockets Layer. A software library establishing a secure connection between two parties (client and server) used to implement HTTPS, the secure version of HTTP.

SSL certificate
A certificate that provides secure access to corporate intranets.

The most privileged user available on Unix machines (also called root). The superuser has complete access privileges to all files on the machine.

Abbreviation for symbolic links, which is a type of redirection used by Unix operating systems. Sym-links create a pointer from one part of your file system to an existing file or directory.

Transmission Control Protocol. The basic transport protocol in the Internet protocol suite that provides reliable, connection-oriented stream service between two hosts.

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol. The name given to the collection of network protocols used by the Internet protocol suite. The name refers to the two primary network protocols of the suite: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), the transport layer protocol, and IP (Internet Protocol), the network layer protocol.

The TCP/IP protocol that enables two machines on the network to connect to each other and support terminal emulation for remote login.

Sometimes called conversation or discussion. An ongoing discussion about a particular topic within a discussion group. Threads are usually grouped visually in the client presentation.

A specified time after which the server should give up trying to finish a service routine.

The subject of a discussion group or of a particular thread within a discussion group.

top-level domain authority
The highest category of hostname classification, usually signifying either the type of organization the domain is (.com is a company, .edu is an educational institution) or the country of its origin (.us is the United States, .jp is Japan, .au is Australia, .fi is Finland).

top-level discussion group
The discussion group at the top of a discussion group hierarchy. For example, music is the top-level discussion group in the following discussion group hierarchy: music.classical.brahms.lullabies.

A unique number associated with each Unix user on a machine.

In this manual, this word is used to distinguish persons using the Collabra Server system (users) from the Collabra Server administrator.

Uniform Resource Locator--the addressing system used by the server and the client to request documents. It is often called a location. The format of a URL is
protocol://[machine:port]/discussion-group. A sample URL is news://news.royal.com/royal.engr.test.

The global collection of newsgroups. These newsgroups are sent around the world, and their articles are stored on many servers.

Usenet newsgroup
A newsgroup that is part of the Usenet hierarchy. These newsgroups are sent all over the world. Your news server gets Usenet news through a newsfeed passed from another news server. Your machine stores the news articles for a specific amount of time, and then deletes them.

virtual discussion group
A discussion group that presents the results of a search across multiple discussion groups enabling easy access to a specific topic. Articles are stored with the original discussion group and are not duplicated on disk for display in the virtual discussion group.

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