Other stories from Builder.com
Transcend the DOM
FreeDOM uses JavaScript to connect Web pages to corporate objects. (8/18/98)
Are you being served?
30 tips and tricks for Cold Fusion and Active Server Pages. (6/30/98)
Forms with function
Use JavaScript to add personalization, navigation, communication, and replication to Web forms. (5/12/98)
What's new with Perl?
Cool Web solutions and hands-on help using HTML, Java, Windows, and Mac. (5/5/98)
JavaScript power!
You, the readers, team up with our own SuperScripter to deliver 30 essential scripting tips. (2/17/98)
Browser Playground, part 2
How to take advantage of data binding, LiveConnect, filters, and other cool 4.0 browser technologies. (1/13/98)
The dos and don'ts of cookies
Cookies help you keep track of users on your site. But there's a right way and a wrong way to use them. (11/18/97)
Add a database to your Web site
With the right tools and knowledge, just about anyone can build a database-driven Web site. (9/30/97)
The abc's of CGI
The common gateway interface is still the best way to add simple interactivity to your pages. We show you how to use CGI to process a form, leave a cookie, add a hit counter, and create a guest book. (9/23/97)
JavaScript for beginners
Use CNET Builder.com's sample application to learn JavaScript fast--and steal our JavaScript code to add instant power to your own Web pages. (6/23/97)
Java development tools
CNET Builder.com compares Sun's Java Development Kit 1.1.1, Microsoft's Visual J++ 1.1a, and Symantec's Visual Café Pro 1.0. (6/4/97)