Conventions for opening files | |
"FILE" | open FILE for input also "<FILE" |
"> FILE" | open FILE for output, creating if necessary |
">> FILE" | open FILE for appending |
"+> FILE" | open FILE with read/write access |
"| CMD" | open a pipe to CMD |
"CMD |" | open a pipe from CMD |
Now that we have a filehandle, we need to read or write to it. The read operator is < >, as in
# in a scalar context, read one line $line = <FILEHANDLE>; # in an array context, read the entire file (careful - this can take # lots of memory!) @lines = <FILEHANDLE>;To print to a FILEHANDLE, print takes an optional first argument which is the filehandle. How does it distinguish the first argument from the list of scalars to print? (warning - loss of beauty ahead) print takes a list as an argument (which as you'll remember is denoted by commas), so the first argument does not have a comma.
print(FILEHANDLE "your","list","here");
# get ready to send the mail if ( ! open(MAIL,"| $sendmail $recipient") ) { &error("Could not start mail program"); }
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Last modified: June 19, 1997