An array is a named list. As with lists, its space is dynamically allocated and removed, it is 0-indexed, and shares all the operators, and some new accessors
@stringInstruments = ("violin","viola","cello","bass"); @brass = ("trumpet","horn","trombone","euphonium","tuba"); $biggestInstrument = $stringInstruments[3]; print("orchestral brass: ", join(" ",@brass[0,1,2,4] ), "\n");
Some Array functions | |
in addtion to list functions | |
push(@ARRAY,LIST) | add LIST to the end of @ARRAY |
pop(@ARRAY) | remove and return the last element of @ARRAY |
unshift(@ARRAY,LIST) | add LIST to the front of @ARRAY |
shift(@ARRAY) | remove and return the first element of @ARRAY |
scalar(@ARRAY) | return the number of elements in the array |
The National Center for Supercomputing Applications
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Last modified: June 19, 1997