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- - (bitwise NOT) operator 389
- - (unary negation) operator 388
- -- (decrement) operator 388
- ! (logical NOT) operator 392
- != (not equal) operator 386
- $& property 252
- $* property 252
- $+ property 252
- $_ property 252
- $` property 252
- $' property 252
- $1, ..., $9 properties 251
- % (modulus) operator 387
- %= operator 385
- && (logical AND) operator 392
- & (bitwise AND) operator 389
- &= operator 385
- ) 409
- */ comment 366
- *= operator 385
- + (string concatenation) operator 394
- ++ (increment) operator 388
- += (string concatenation) operator 394
- += operator 385
- /* comment 366
- // comment 366
- /= operator 385
- < (less than) operator 386
- << (left shift) operator 389, 391
- <<= operator 385
- <= (less than or equal) operator 386
- == (equal) operator 386
- -= operator 385
- > (greater than) operator 386
- >= (greater than or equal) operator 386
- >> (sign-propagating right shift) operator 389, 391
- >>= operator 385
- >>> (zero-fill right shift) operator 389, 391
- >>>= operator 385
- ?: (conditional) operator 394
- ^ (bitwise XOR) operator 389
- ^= operator 385
- | (bitwise OR) operator 389
- |= operator 385
- || (logical OR) operator 392
- (comma) operator 395
- abs method 201
- acos method 201
- addClient function 335
- addResponseHeader function 336
- agent property 267
- anchor method 300
- anchors, creating 300
- AND (&&) logical operator 392
- AND (&) bitwise operator 389
- arguments array 177
- arithmetic operators 387
- % (modulus) 387
- -- (decrement) 388
- - (unary negation) 388
- ++ (increment) 388
- arity property 182
- Array object 22
- arrays
- Array object 22
- creating from strings 321
- deleting elements 395
- dense 22
- increasing length of 24
- indexing 23
- initial length of 23, 25
- Java 188
- joining 29
- length of, determining 30, 313
- referring to elements 23
- sorting 36
- asin method 202
- assignment operators 384
- %= 385
- &= 385
- *= 385
- += 385
- /= 385
- <<= 385
- -= 385
- >>= 385
- >>>= 385
- ^= 385
- |= 385
- atan2 method 203
- atan method 203
- AUTH_TYPE CGI variable 355
- Bcc property 282
- beginTransaction method
- Connection object 57
- database object 91
- BIG HTML tag 301
- big method 301
- binary data, converting to string 153
- bitwise operators 389
- & (AND) 389
- - (NOT) 389
- << (left shift) 389, 391
- >> (sign-propagating right shift) 389, 391
- >>> (zero-fill right shift) 389, 391
- ^ (XOR) 389
- | (OR) 389
- logical 390
- shift 390
- BLINK HTML tag 301
- blink method 301
- blob function 337
- blobImage method 44
- blobLink method 46
- blob object 43-47
- Body property 283
- BOLD HTML tag 302
- bold method 302
- Boolean object 48
- break statement 365
- bytes, converting to string 153
- byteToString method 153
- callC function 338
- callee property 180
- caller property 180
- call method (LiveConnect) 409
- Cc property 283
- ceil method 204
- C functions
- calling 338
- registering 353
- CGI variables
- HTTPS 355
- charAt method 303
- charCodeAt method 304
- classes, accessing Java 191, 237
- className property 238
- clearError method 155
- client, preserving properties 335
- client object 52-55
- getting identifier 356
- maintaining 335
- close method
- Cursor object 77
- File object 155
- Resultset object 275
- Stproc object 293
- columnName method
- Cursor object 78
- Resultset object 276
- columns method
- Cursor object 79
- Resultset object 277
- comma () operator 395
- comments 366
- comment statement 366
- commitTransaction method
- Connection object 59
- database object 93
- comparison operators 385
- != (not equal) 386
- < (less than) 386
- <= (less than or equal) 386
- == (equal) 386
- > (greater than) 386
- >= (greater than or equal) 386
- compile method 252
- concat method
- Array object 27
- String object 305
- conditional (?:) operator 394
- connected method
- Connection object 60
- database object 98
- DbPool object 138
- connection method 139
- Connection object 56-74
- connect method
- database object 94
- DbPool object 135
- constructor property
- Array object 28
- Boolean object 49
- Date object 118
- File object 156
- Function object 183
- Lock object 196
- Number object 221
- Object object 228
- RegExp object 253
- SendMail object 283
- String object 305
- containership
- specifying default object 379
- with statement and 379
- continue statement 367
- conventions 363
- cos method 205
- cursorColumn property 80
- cursor method
- Connection object 61
- database object 99
- Cursor object 75-87
- database object 88-114
- Date object 115
- dates
- converting to string 129
- Date object 115
- day of week 119
- defining 115
- milliseconds since 1970 131
- month 120
- DbPool object 133-150
- scope 133
- debug function 339
- decrement (--) operator 388
- default objects, specifying 379
- delete operator 395
- deleteResponseHeader function 340
- deleteRow method 81
- deleting
- array elements 395
- objects 395
- properties 395
- dense arrays 22
- destroy method 54
- directories, conventions used 16
- disconnect method
- database object 101
- DbPool object 140
- DNS 355
- do...while statement 368
- document conventions 16
- environment variables
- accessing 355
- eof method 156
- E property 206
- equals method (LiveConnect 409
- errorCode method 283
- errorMessage method 284
- error method 157
- errors, status 155
- errors,status 152
- Errorsto property 284
- escape function 340
- Euler's constant 206
- raised to a power 206
- eval function 341
- eval method
- LiveConnect 409
- Object object 229
- exceptions, LiveConnect 406
- exec method 254
- execute method
- Connection object 63
- database object 102
- exists method 158
- expiration method 55
- exp method 206
- export statement 369
- expressions that return no value 401
- File object 151-172
- files, error status 152, 155
- fixed method 306
- floor method 207
- flush function 344
- flush method 159
- fontcolor method 306
- fonts
- big 301
- blinking 301
- bold 302
- fontsize method 308
- statement 371
- for loops
- continuation of 367
- syntax of 370
- termination of 365
- for statement 370
- fromCharCode method 309
- From property 284
- Function object 173
- specifying arguments for 174
- as variable value 175
- functions
- arguments array 177
- callee property 180
- caller property 180
- calling external 338
- declaring 372
- Function object 173
- length property 181
- list of 333
- nesting 175, 176
- number of arguments 313
- return values of 375
- top-level 333
- as variable value 175
- function statement 372
- getDate method 118
- getDay method 119
- getHours method 119
- getLength method 159
- getMember method (LiveConnect) 409
- getMinutes method 120
- getMonth method 120
- getOptionValueCount function 346
- getOptionValue function 345
- getPosition method 160
- getSeconds method 121
- getSlot method (LiveConnect) 410
- getTime method 121
- getTimezoneOffset method 122
- getWindow method (LiveConnect) 410
- getYear method 122
- global object 333
- global property 257
- GMT time, defined, local time, defined 116
- hostname 356
- hostname property 289
- host property 288
- HTML, generating 360
- HTML tags
- BIG 301
- BLINK 301
- BOLD 302
- IMG 44
- HTTP method 355
- HTTP protocol level 356
- HTTPS_KEYSIZE CGI variable 355
- HTTPS CGI variable 355
- HTTP user 355
- if...else statement 373
- ignoreCase property 258
- imageX property 269
- imageY property 269
- IMG HTML tag 44
- import statement 373
- increment (++) operator 388
- indexOf method 309
- index property 29
- in keyword 371
- inputName property 270
- input property
- Array object 29
- RegExp object 258
- insertRow method 82
- ip property 270
- isNaN function 347
- isValid method 196
- italics method 311
- JavaArray object 188
- JavaClass object 191
- java object 187
- JavaObject object 192
- JavaPackage object 194
- java property 239
- JavaScript
- background for using 13
- debugging 339
- reserved words 415
- versions 14
- join method 29
- JSException class 406
- JSException constructor (LiveConnect) 406
- JSObject class 408
- keywords 415
- label statement 374
- lastIndexOf method 312
- lastIndex property 259
- lastMatch property 260
- lastParen property 260
- leftContext property 261
- left shift (<<) operator 389, 391
- length property
- arguments array 181
- Array object 30
- Function object 183
- JavaArray object 189
- String object 313
- link method 314
- links
- anchors for 300
- for BLOb data 43, 46
- with no destination 401
- LiveConnect
- JavaArray object 188
- JavaClass object 191
- java object 187
- JavaObject object 192
- JavaPackage object 194
- JSException class 406
- JSObject class 408
- netscape object 218
- Packages object 237
- sun object 332
- LN10 property 208
- LN2 property 208
- lock method
- Lock object 197
- project object 242
- server object 289
- Lock object 195-198
- LOG10E property 209
- LOG2E property 210
- logarithms
- base of natural 206
- natural logarithm of 10 208
- logical operators 392
- ! (NOT) 392
- && (AND) 392
- || (OR) 392
- short-circuit evaluation 393
- log method 209
- loops
- continuation of 367
- for 370
- termination of 365
- while 378
- lowercase 298, 329
- majorErrorCode method
- Connection object 65
- database object 103
- DbPool object 143
- majorErrorMessage method
- Connection object 67
- database object 106
- DbPool object 146
- match method 314
- Math object 199
- MAX_VALUE property 221
- max method 210
- method property 271
- methods, top-level 333
- MIN_VALUE property 222
- min method 211
- minorErrorCode method
- Connection object 68
- database object 107
- DbPool object 146
- minorErrorMessage method
- Connection object 68
- database object 107
- DbPool object 147
- modulo function 387
- modulus (%) operator 387
- multiline property 261
- multimedia and blobLink 46
- NaN property
- Number object 222
- natural logarithms
- base of 206
- e 206
- e raised to a power 206
- of 10 208
- NEGATIVE_INFINITY property 223
- nesting functions 175, 176
- netscape.javascript.JSException class 406
- netscape.javascript.JSObject class 408
- netscape object 218
- netscape property 239
- new operator 397
- next method
- Cursor object 84
- Resultset object 278
- NOT (!) logical operator 392
- NOT (-) bitwise operator 389
- Number function 348
- Number object 219
- numbers
- greater of two 210
- identifying 347
- Number object 219
- obtaining integer 204
- parsing from strings 349
- square root 215
- Object object 227
- objects
- creating new types 397
- deleting 395
- establishing default 379
- getting list of properties for 371
- iterating properties 371
- Java, accessing 192
- open method 162
- operators 381-401
- arithmetic 387
- assignment 384
- bitwise 389
- comparison 385
- list of 381
- logical 392
- special 394
- string 394
- OR (|) bitwise operator 389
- OR (||) logical operator 392
- Organization property 285
- outParamCount method 293
- outParameters method 274, 294
- output buffer, flushing 344
- packages, accessing Java 194
- Packages object 237
- parseFloat function 53, 349
- parseInt function 53, 350
- parse method 123
- PATH_INFO CGI variable 355
- PATH_TRANSLATED CGI variable 355
- PI property 212
- pop method 31
- port property 290
- POSITIVE_INFINITY property 224
- pow method 212
- project object 241-243
- properties
- deleting 395
- getting list of for an object 371
- iterating for an object 371
- preserving client values 335
- top-level 333
- protocol property
- request object 272
- server object 290
- prototype property
- Array object 31
- Boolean object 49
- connection object 69
- Cursor object 85
- database object 108
- Date object 124
- DbPool object 147
- File object 163
- Function object 183
- Lock object 197
- Number object 225
- Object object 229
- RegExp object 262
- Resultset object 279
- SendMail object 285
- Stproc object 294
- String object 316
- push method 31
- QUERY_STRING CGI variable 355
- random method 213
- readByte method 165
- readln method 166
- read method 164
- redirect function 352
- RegExp object 244
- registerCFunction function 353
- regular expressions 244
- release method 69
- REMOTE_ADDR CGI variable 355
- REMOTE_HOST CGI variable 355
- REMOTE_USER CGI variable 355
- removeMember method (LiveConnect) 410
- replace method 316
- Replyto property 285
- request, changing 352
- REQUEST_METHOD CGI variable 355
- request object 265-272
- reserved words 415
- response headers, manipulating 336
- resultSet method 295
- Resultset object 273-279
- return statement 375
- returnValue method 274, 295
- reverse method 32
- rightContext property 262
- rollbackTransaction method
- Connection object 70
- database object 108
- round method 213
- scope of DbPool object 133
- SCRIPT_NAME CGI variable 356
- search method 318
- selection lists, number of options 313
- SELECT tag 345
- SendMail object 280-286
- send method 285
- server, global data for 287
- SERVER_NAME CGI variable 356
- SERVER_PORT CGI variable 356
- SERVER_PROTOCOL CGI variable 356
- SERVER_URL CGI variable 356
- server object 287-291
- session key 355
- setDate method 125
- setHours method 125
- setMember method (LiveConnect) 410
- setMinutes method 126
- setMonth method 126
- setPosition method 167
- setSeconds method 127
- setSlot method (LiveConnect) 410
- setTime method 127
- setYear method 128
- shift method 33
- short-circuit evaluation 393
- sign-propagating right shift (>>) operator 389, 391
- sin method 214
- slice method 34, 319
- small method 320
- Smtpserver property 286
- sort method 36
- source property 262
- special operators 394
- splice method 39
- split method 321
- SQLTable method
- Connection object 71
- database object 109
- SQRT1_2 property 216
- SQRT2 property 216
- sqrt method 215
- square roots 215
- ssjs_generateClientID function 354
- ssjs_getCGIVariable function 354
- ssjs_getClientID function 356
- statements 363-380
- syntax conventions 363
- storedProcArgs method
- database object 112
- DbPool object 148
- storedProc method
- Connection object 73
- database object 111
- Stproc object 292-295
- strike method 323
- String function 358
- String object 296
- string operators 394
- strings
- blinking 301
- bold 302
- character position within 297, 303, 309
- concatenating 394
- converting from bytes 153
- converting from date 129
- converting to floating point 349
- creating from arrays 29
- defining 296
- fontsize of 301
- length of 313
- lowercase 298, 329
- parsing 349
- splitting into arrays 321
- String object 296
- stringToByte method 168
- Subject property 286
- sub method 324
- substring method 326
- substr method 325
- sun object 332
- sun property 240
- sup method 328
- switch statement 376
- syntax conventions 363
- tan method 217
- TCP port 356
- test method 263
- this keyword 399
- times
- Date object 115
- defining 115
- minutes 120
- toGMTString method 128
- toLocaleString method 129
- toLowerCase method 329
- top-level properties and functions 333
- To property 286
- toString method
- Array object 40
- Boolean object 50
- built-in 231
- Connection object 73
- database object 113
- Date object 130
- DbPool object 149
- Function object 185
- JavaArray object 190
- LiveConnect 411
- Number object 225
- Object object 230
- RegExp object 263
- String object 330
- user-defined 231
- toUpperCase method 330
- trace facility 339
- transactions
- committing 97, 142
- overview 89
- rolling back 97, 142
- scope of 57, 59, 70, 89, 91, 93, 108
- typeof operator 400
- unary negation (-) operator 388
- unescape function 359
- unique identifier
- creating for client object 356
- unlock method
- Lock object 198
- project object 243
- server object 291
- unshift method 41
- unwatch method 233
- updateRow method 86
- URLs 356
- adding information to 335
- conventions used 16
- escaping characters in 340
- redirecting to 352
- UTC method 131
- UTC time, defined 116
- valueOf method
- Array object 42
- Boolean object 50
- Date object 132
- Function object 186
- Number object 226
- Object object 234
- RegExp object 264
- String object 331
- variables
- declaring 377
- initializing 377
- syntax for declaring 377
- var statement 377
- versions of JavaScript 14
- void operator 401
- watch method 235
- while loops
- continuation of 367
- syntax of 378
- termination of 365
- while statement 378
- with statement 379
- writeByte method 170
- write function 360
- and flush 344
- writeln method 171
- write method 169
- XOR (^) operator 389
- zero-fill right shift (>>>) operator 389, 391
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Last Updated: 11/13/98 10:24:27
Copyright © 1998
Netscape Communications Corporation