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- (bitwise NOT) operator 90
- (unary negation) operator 89
-- (decrement) operator 89
! (logical NOT) operator 92
!= (not equal) operator 88
% (modulus) operator 89
%= operator 87
&& (logical AND) operator 92
& (bitwise AND) operator 89
&, in URLs 226
&= operator 87
*/ comment 127
*= operator 87
+ (string concatenation) operator 93
++ (increment) operator 89
+= (string concatenation) operator 93
+= operator 87
.htm file extension 55
.html file extension 55
.js file extension 55
/* comment 127
// comment 127
/= operator 87
< (less than) operator 88
<< (left shift) operator 90, 91
<<= operator 87
<= (less than or equal) operator 88
== (equal) operator 88
-= operator 87
> (greater than) operator 88
>= (greater than or equal) operator 88
>> (sign-propagating right shift) operator 90, 91
>>= operator 87
>>> (zero-fill right shift) operator 90, 91
>>>= operator 87
?, in URLs 226
?: (conditional) operator 94
\ 290
^ (bitwise XOR) operator 90
^= operator 87
| (bitwise OR) operator 89
|= operator 87
|| (logical OR) operator 92
` (backquote)
See backquotes
(comma) operator 94


-a compiler directive 58, 201
ACTION attribute 223
in sample application 186
active application
glossary entry 433
addClient function 204, 227, 263, 267
addResponseHeader function 205, 228, 232, 295
agent property 240
anchors, creating 210
AND (&&) logical operator 92
AND (&) bitwise operator 89
application/x-www-form-urlencoded content type 292, 293
Application Manager
capabilities of 53
and client object 253
configuring default settings 69
debugging applications 65
details 69
figure of 54
identifying library files 289
installing applications 59-61
modifying installation parameters 63
overview 53-55
protecting 47
removing applications 64
running applications 65
specifying database connections 304
starting, stopping, and restarting 64
using 66
architecture of 41-45
as CORBA clients 422, 431
as CORBA servers 431
bank sample application 182
bugbase sample application 182
building 52-53
cipher sample application 181
compiling 56-58
configuration 46-49
creating 52
creating source files 55-56
dbadmin sample application 182
debugging 65-68
deleting 64
deploying 45, 68
developing 51
and file upload 224
flexi sample application 182
hangman sample application 181
and HTML 44
installing 59-61
jsaccall sample application 182
metadata sample application 183
migrating 6
modifying installation parameters 63
name 62
changing 63
specifying 60
oldvideo sample application 182
partitioning tasks 197
publishing 59
removing 64
restarting 64
restricting access to 63, 68
running 44, 65
at runtime 45
sample 181-194
sendmail sample application 182
sharing data 250, 251
starting 64
starting, stopping, and restarting 64
statement types 44
stopping 64
system requirements for 45
upgrading 6
URLs for 61
videoapp sample application 182
viewer sample application 182
world sample application 181
application status, defined 55
application URLs 61, 198
glossary entry 433
arenas, in garbage collection 233
arguments array 131
arithmetic operators 88
% (modulus) 89
-- (decrement) 89
- (unary negation) 89
++ (increment) 89
Array object 205
creating 145
overview 145
See also the individual arrays
associative 138
defined 145
deleting elements 94
indexing 146
Java 405
literals 79
populating 146
referring to elements 146
regular expressions and 148
two-dimensional 147
undefined elements 77
glossary entry 433
assignment operators 87
%= 87
&= 87
*= 87
+= 87
/= 87
<<= 87
-= 87
>>= 87
>>>= 87
^= 87
|= 87
defined 85
AUTH_TYPE CGI variable 219, 220, 240
auth_type property 219, 240
auth_user property 219, 240
authorization 212


backquotes 207, 209-211
enclosing JavaScript in 209
when to use 211
backward compatibility 7
bank application 182
base application URL
glossary entry 433
Bcc property 278
beginTransaction method 312, 337, 378
binary data type 376
binary format 286
binary large objects
See BLObs
bit data type 376
bitwise operators 89
& (AND) 89
- (NOT) 90
<< (left shift) 90, 91
>> (sign-propagating right shift) 90, 91
>>> (zero-fill right shift) 90, 91
^ (XOR) 90
| (OR) 89
logical 90
shift 91
blob data type 363, 374
blob function 339
blobImage method 339
blobLink method 339
Blob object 202, 374, 375, 376
glossary entry 433
overview 338
working with 338-341
Body property 278
Boolean expressions 244
Boolean literals 80
Boolean object 148, 205
conditional tests and 80
Boolean type conversions (LiveConnect) 415
booleanValue method 420
break statement 123
bugbase application 182
Built-in Maximum Database Connections 304
bytecodes 44
building 52
glossary entry 433
byte data type 375
byteToString method 283, 286


C++ libraries 287
callC function 204, 288, 290
case sensitivity 77
object names 138
property names 138
regular expressions and 112
case statement
See switch statement
-c compiler directive 57
Cc property 278
C functions
calling 204
registering 204
CGI, glossary entry 433
CGI variables
accessing 218-222
AUTH_TYPE 219, 220, 240
QUERY_STRING 219, 220, 240
REMOTE_USER 219, 220, 240
REQUEST_METHOD 219, 220, 240
SERVER_PROTOCOL 219, 221, 240
char arguments 406
char data type 374, 375, 376
cipher application 181
class-based languages, defined 157
defining 158
Java 406
LiveConnect 408, 409
CLASSPATH 48, 405, 421
clearError method 283, 286
C libraries 287
calling 197
characteristics of 196
communicating with server 223
glossary entry 433
maintaining client object on 257-261
preprocessing data on 196, 224, 229
client cookies 258-259
glossary entry 433
lifetime of properties 264
maintaining client object with 217, 230, 256, 257
client-mode field, of jsa.conf 71
client object 202, 207, 212, 216, 228, 242-249, 256, 257
adding properties to URLs 266-268
creating custom 245
custom 246-249
description of 242
destroying 265-266
getting identifier 205
id for maintaining 245
in sample application 186
lifetime 242
lifetime of 237, 264-266
maintaining 69, 204, 212, 214, 217, 223, 227, 230, 253-268
comparing techniques 254-257
on the client 257-261
on the server 261-264
with client cookies 258-259
with client-URL encoding 259-261
with IP address 262
with server cookie 262-263
with server-URL encoding 263-264
maintenance, specifying 61
overview 237
in page processing 212, 213
properties 243-245
properties, expiring 264-265
properties, overhead from 244
properties, restrictions on 243
properties of 243
restrictions 246
storing properties on project or server 245-246
uniquely referring to 245-246
client properties
assigning 258
Boolean 244
changing 214
client requests
See requests
client scripts
communicating with server 197
generating 229
sending values to 228
when to use 197
client-server communication 222-232
using cookies for 230-231
client-side JavaScript 28, 30, 198
glossary entry 433
illustrated 30
object lifetime 197
overview 30
client URL encoding 214, 218, 223, 227, 257, 259-261
glossary entry 433
lifetime of properties 264
clob data type 363, 374
close method 282, 326, 351, 378, 379, 381
colName property 326, 351
columnName method 327, 332, 351, 381
column names, displaying 332
columns method 326, 332, 351
comma () operator 94
comments, types of 127
comment statement 127
commit, glossary entry 433
commitTransaction method 313, 337, 378
communication between client and server 222-232
comparison operators 87
!= (not equal) 88
< (less than) 88
<= (less than or equal) 88
== (equal) 88
> (greater than) 88
>= (greater than or equal) 88
on client and server 201
compiler 52, 201
options 57
and PATH environment variable 48
using 56-58
conditional (?:) operator 94
conditional expressions 94
conditional statements 118-120
if...else 118
switch 119
conditional tests, Boolean objects and 80
configuration styles 63, 68
confirmation prompts, configuring 69
connected method 312, 380
connection method 379
of DbPool objects 311
Connection objects 202, 206, 301, 305, 311, 312, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382
creating 311
error methods of 381, 382
methods 312
storedProc method 345
connection pools
See also DbPool objects
as property of project object 310
managing 306
sharing array of 309
sharing fixed set 308
storing with project object 307, 308
approaches to 301-312
DbPool objects 303
disconnecting 305
establishing 301-312
retrieving 305, 316
spanning multiple client requests 313
specifying number of 61, 69
specifying the number of 304
storing 245
waiting for 315
connect method 378
constructor functions 140
global information in 176
initializing property values with 167
specifying default object 126
with statement and 126
CONTENT_TYPE CGI variable 222
content-length property 294
content types, managing custom 292-295
continue statement 124
cookie.txt 230
cookie protocol 256, 258, 262
See also client cookies
cookies 223, 228
client, glossary entry 433
defined 230
glossary entry 434
CORBA 223, 228, 421-432
glossary entry 434
core JavaScript 29, 200
differences on client and server 201
glossary entry 434
critical section 268
glossary entry 434
current row 326
glossary entry 434
current transaction, glossary entry 434
cursor method 312, 379
Cursor objects 202, 206, 378, 380, 381
methods 326
overview 326
properties 326
creating 327
customizing display functions 324
determining number of columns 332
displaying aggregate functions 331
displaying column names 332
displaying expressions 331
displaying record values 328
glossary entry 434
navigating with 331
overview 326
updatable 327, 333-335, 340
using 326-335


converting between formats 286
sharing between client and server 222
database access 197
database client libraries, configuring 357-372
database clients, supported 360-361
database configuration, verifying 358-359
database connection pools
See connection pools
database connections
See connections
database name 303
database object 202, 207, 378, 379, 380, 381
restrictions 307
using 299-355
database pools
See DbPool objects
database queries
and flush function 217
databases 297-397
See also LiveWire Database Service
configuring 357-372
connecting to 305
converting data types 373-376
and dates 374
error handling 377-382
guidelines for managing connections and threads 306
multithreaded 305
single-threaded 305
typical interactions 300
verifying connection 305
database server name 303
database servers
in JavaScript application architecture 42
database transactions
See transactions
database type 303
data persistence 197
data sharing 197, 206, 212, 237, 251, 253, 268-276, 282, 304, 307
data types
Boolean conversions 415
converting 76
converting for LiveWire 373-376
converting with LiveConnect 413-420
and Date object 76
Informix 375
JavaArray conversions 417
JavaClass conversions 418
JavaObject conversions 417
in JavaScript 34, 75
JavaScript to Java conversion 414
Java to JavaScript conversion 420
null conversions 417
number conversions 414
ODBC 375
Oracle 375
other conversions 419
string conversions 416
Sybase 374, 376
date data type 374, 375, 376
Date object 205, 374, 375, 376
converting dates to 373, 374
creating 149
overview 148
converting to Date objects 373
and databases 374
inserting in database 374
datetime data type 375, 376
configuring 362-364
data types 374
registering stored procedures in 344
stored procedure prototypes 345
DB2COMM environment variable 363
DB2INSTANCE environment variable 363
DB2PATH environment variable 363
dbadmin application 182, 358
DbBuiltin object 202
DbPool constructor 379
DbPool objects 206
See also connection pools, database pools
adding properties to 202
Boolean value returned by 380
connecting to a database with 301
connection method 311
connections with 303
creating 303
in connection pool arrays 310
no value returned by 381
numeric value returned by 378
object returned by 379
stored procedures and 345
string value returned by 381
using 299-355
-d compiler directive 57
DDL, glossary entry 434
deadlock 273-276
glossary entry 434
debug function 68, 204
Debugger 35
debugging applications 65
debugging functions 66
debug URLs, using 67
decimal data type 374, 375, 376
decrement (--) operator 89
default form values 228
default objects, specifying 126
default page
glossary entry 434
specifying 61, 69
default settings, Application Manager 69
delete operator 94, 144
deleteResponseHeader function 204, 228, 295
deleteRow method 327, 335, 378
DELETE SQL statement 336
array elements 94
objects 94, 144
properties 94
deploy, glossary entry 434
deploying applications 68
deployment server
defined 45
glossary entry 434
updating files to 64
deprecate, glossary entry 435
destroy method 259, 260, 265
development environment, components of 45
development platform, defined 45
development server
defined 45
glossary entry 435
updating files from 64
DHCP 262
conventions used 26
disconnect method 378, 381
DML, glossary entry 435
DNS 220
do...while statement 121
document conventions 26
document root 62
double data type 374
double precision data type 375, 376
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 262
dynamic link libraries 287


ECMA, glossary entry 435
ECMA-262 200
ECMAScript, glossary entry 435
ECMA specification 36
JavaScript documentation and 37
JavaScript versions and 36
terminology 38
else statement
See if...else statement
See mail
environment variables, accessing 220
eof method 283, 284
equality on client and server 201
errorCode method 277
error handling for LiveWire 377-382
errorMessage method 277
error messages, retrieving 305
error method 283, 286
error status, for File object 286
escape function 135, 203, 227
escaping characters 83
eval function 133
event handlers 203
See also the individual event handlers
direct substitution 228
onClick 225
handling in Java 410
exec method 108
execute method 312, 325, 378
exists method 283, 286
expiration method 259, 265
See also regular expressions
conditional 94
overview 85
that return no value 98
types of 85
external functions
calling 288
defined 287
example of use 291
glossary entry 435
guidelines for writing 289
registering 290
using in JavaScript 290
when to use 288
external libraries 287-291
calling 197
identifying files 289
security 287
specifying 61, 69


-f compiler directive 58
file access modes 282
File class 217, 280-287
file formats 286
file I/O 287
File object 202, 206
creating 281, 287
described 280
methods of 283
security considerations 280
accessing with JavaScript 280-287
closing 281
getting information for 286
locking 282
opening 281
positioning within 284
reading from 284
writing to 285
file upload 292
fixed decimal notation 373
flexi application 182, 423, 423-430
FlexiServer 423, 425
float data type 375, 376
floating-point literals 80
floatValue method 420
flush function 204, 214, 216, 258, 295
described 217
flush method 217, 285
example of use 217 statement 126, 138
for loops
continuation of 124
sequence of execution 120
termination of 123
form elements
hidden 224, 228, 229
using as request properties 223
FORM HTML tag 223
and client maintenance 257
client scripts for 197
default values 228
GET method 293
hidden elements 228
POST method 293
processing 185
and the request object 236
statements 186
variables 241
for statement 120
From property 278
function keyword 129
Function object 151, 205
functions 129-135, 203
arguments array 131
calling 130
debugging 66
defining 129
Function object 151
predefined 132-135
recursive 131
redirect 218
using built-in 132-135
write 208, 209


garbage collection, in JavaScript 233-234
getDay method 149
getHours method 151
getLength method 283, 286
getMember method 409
getMinutes method 151
getOptionValueCount function 204
getOptionValue function 204, 224, 225
getPosition method 283, 284
getPostData method 294
getSeconds method 151
getTime method 150
get value of method attribute 224
global object 38


hangman application 181
-h compiler directive 57
headers 228, 231
request 221
Hello World application 181
hidden form elements 228
history method 239
home field, of jsa.conf 71
hostname 221
hostname property 252
host property 252
HREF attribute 210
HTML 196, 198
attributes 203, 209
conditionalizing 197
embedding JavaScript in 207-211
generating 204
glossary entry 435
and JavaScript 195, 207-211
sample source code 185
HTML page
constructing 198, 212, 213, 216-218
sending to client 215, 257
HTML tags
FORM 223
IMG 338, 339
HTTP 206, 212
applets 403
glossary entry 435
protocol level 219, 221
request, See requests
request information 411
response buffer 411
user 219, 220
HTTP_ACCEPT CGI variable 222
HTTPD processes, objects for 251
httpHeader method 221, 223, 231, 292
HTTP method 219, 220
HTTPS_KEYSIZE CGI variable 220
HTTPS CGI variable 220


-i compiler directive 58
if...else statement 118
in sample application 187
IIOP 421-432
image data type 376
image maps 242
using 242
imageX property 241, 242
imageY property 241, 242
IMG HTML tag 338, 339
increment (++) operator 89
index.html and default page 61
Informix 299
configuring 364-366
data types 375
stored procedure parameters 346
INFORMIXDIR environment variable 365
INFORMIXSERVER environment variable 365
INFORMIXSQLHOSTS environment variable 365
class-based languages and 158
multiple 177
property 173
initializers for objects 139
initial page 242, 306
and request object 239
glossary entry 435
specifying 61, 69
INPUT HTML tag 228
input validation 197
insertRow method 327, 335, 378
INSERT SQL statement 336
installation parameters
configuring 69
modifying 63
Installing an application 59
int data type 376
integer data type 374, 375
integers, in JavaScript 81
Internet InterORB Protocol 421
interval data type 375
IP address 257, 261, 262
glossary entry 435
lifetime of properties 265
IP address technique, glossary entry 435
ip property 240
ISB for Java 401, 421
isFinite function 133
ISMAP attribute, of IMG tag 242
isNaN function 133, 203


See also LiveConnect
accessing JavaScript 408
accessing with LiveConnect 403
arrays in JavaScript 405
calling from JavaScript 403
classes 406
communication with JavaScript 401-420
compared to JavaScript 34, 157-178
example of calling from JavaScript 406
to JavaScript communication 408
JavaScript exceptions and 410
methods requiring char arguments 406
objects, naming in JavaScript 405
object wrappers 403
packages 406
Java applets, server scripts for 197
JavaArray object 404, 405
JavaArray type conversions 417
JavaClass object 404, 406
JavaClass type conversions (LiveConnect) 418
JavaObject object 404
JavaObject type conversions 417
java package 405
JavaPackage object 404, 406
accessing from Java 408
application executable files 44
background for using 23
basics 195-234
client-side 30
communication with Java 401-420
compared to Java 34, 157-178
components illustrated 28
core 29
debugging 204
differences between server and client 28
ECMA specification and 36
enabling 47
example of calling from Java 412
files 44, 203
compiling 44
garbage collection 233-234
and HTML 207-211
to Java Communication 403
Navigator 30-31
object wrappers 420
overview 27
runtime processing 198-200, 211-216
server-side 31-33
server-side overview 200-206
special characters 82
tasks on client 196-197
tasks on server 196-197
variables, and request properties 241
versions and Navigator 24
where it can occur 202
JavaScript files 203
Java virtual machine 44
jsa.conf file 71
See compiler
jsaccall.c 289
jsaccall.h 289
jsaccall application 182, 288
JSException class 408, 410
js files 44
JSObject, accessing JavaScript with 409
JSObject class 408
jsVersion property 252


labeled statements
with break 123
with continue 124
label statement 123
-l compiler directive 57
LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable 363, 367, 368, 370, 371
left shift (<<) operator 90, 91
length property 155
LIBPATH environment variable 363, 368
libraries, external 287-291
library field, of jsa.conf 71
for BLOb data 339
creating 210
with no destination 98
literals 79
Array 79
Boolean 80
floating point 80
integers 81
object 81
string 82
LiveConnect 203, 206, 223, 228, 401-420
accessing Java directly 403
capabilities 402
configuration for 48
converting data types 413-420
glossary entry 435
and HTTP applets 403
Java to JavaScript communication 408
and NSAPI applications 403
objects 404
restrictions 403
and WAI plug-ins 403
LiveWire database access library 44
LiveWire Database Service 297-397
See also databases
system requirements for 46
locking 268-276
lock method 251, 268-276
in sample application 187
Lock object 202, 206, 268-276
logical operators 91
! (NOT) 92
&& (AND) 92
|| (OR) 92
short-circuit evaluation 93
longdatacompat 363
long data type 376
long raw data type 376
continuation of 124 126
termination of 123
loop statements 120-125
break 123
continue 124
do...while 121
for 120
label 123
while 122
lowercase 77


MIME-compliant 278
sending with JavaScript 206, 277-280
majorErrorCode method 305, 313, 378, 381
majorErrorMessage method 305, 313, 381, 382
mark and sweep 233
matching patterns
See regular expressions
match method 108
mathematical constants and functions 373
Math object 153, 205
maxdbconnect field, of jsa.conf 71
metadata application 183
METHOD attribute 224
method property 219, 240
close 282
defined 130
defining 142
destroy 265
expiration 265
flush 217
history 239
open 281
setPosition 284
static 437
migrating applications 6
MIME, glossary entry 435
MIME-compliant mail 278
MIME types 280
minorErrorCode method 305, 313, 378, 379, 382
minorErrorMessage method 305, 313, 381
modulus (%) operator 89
money data type 375, 376
using BLObs 338
MULTIPLE attribute
of SELECT tag 225
multithreaded databases 305
and Sybase 371


NAME attribute 210, 224
in sample application 186
of SELECT tag 225
native functions 287-291
in JavaScript application architecture 42
and JavaScript 30, 31
JavaScript versions supported 24
Navigator JavaScript
See client-side JavaScript
nchar data type 375, 376
Netscape cookie protocol 258, 262
glossary entry 436
Netscape Internet Service Broker for Java 401, 421
netscape package 405
Netscape packages
See packages
Netscape web servers
configuration style support 63
in JavaScript application architecture 42
sample applications installed with 181
new operator 96, 140
next method 327, 329, 331, 349, 351, 380
NOT (!) logical operator 92
NOT (-) bitwise operator 90
NSAPI applications 403
null keyword 75
null value conversions (LiveConnect) 417
number data type 375, 376
Number function 135
Number object 154, 206
number property 187
converting to characters 283, 286
identifying 203
Number object 154
parsing from strings 134
storing 373
type conversions (LiveConnect) 414
numeric data type 376
nvarchar data type 375, 376


object field, of jsa.conf 71
object manipulation statements 126
this keyword 96
with statement 126
object model 157-178
Object object 206
object prototypes 202
object request brokers 421
objects 137-156
adding properties 141, 142
adding properties to 202
constructor function for 140
creating 138-141
creating new types 96
deleting 94, 144
establishing default 126
getting list of properties for 138
indexing properties 141
inheritance 165
initializers for 139
iterating properties 138
JavaScript in Java 409
lifetimes of 236
literals 81
LiveConnect 404
model of 157-178
overview 137
predefined 145
single instances of 139
-o compiler directive 58
configuring 366-368
data types 375
drivers supported 360-361
glossary entry 436
stored procedure prototypes 345
oldvideo application 182, 385-397
and Informix 385
onClick event handler 225
Open DataBase Connectivity standard
configuring 367
open method 281
arithmetic 88
assignment 87
bitwise 89
comparison 87
defined 85
logical 91
order of 98
overview 86
precedence 98
special 93
string 93
OPTION tag 225
OR (|) bitwise operator 89
OR (||) logical operator 92
Oracle 299
configuring 368-370
data types 375
stored procedure parameters 346
ORACLE_HOME environment variable 369, 370
ORACLE_SID environment variable 370
ORBs 421
outParamCount method 347, 353
outParameters method 343, 347, 352, 353
output buffer 213
flushing 204, 217
output parameters
of stored procedures 353


packages, Java 406
Packages object 206, 405
packed decimal notation 373
parameters for stored procedures 346
parentheses in regular expressions 107, 110
parseFloat function 134, 204
parseInt function 134, 204
parse method 150
Pascal functions 287
passthrough SQL, executing 325
PATH_INFO CGI variable 220
PATH environment variable 363
for the compiler 48
pattern matching
See regular expressions
-p compiler directive 58
PI property 153
pointers 284
pools of database connections
See connection pools
popups, client scripts for 197
port property 252
post value of method attribute 224
predefined objects 145
primitive value, glossary entry 436
project object 202, 207, 212, 250-251
description of 250
in sample application 187
lifetime 250
lifetime of 238, 250
locking 251, 269, 272-273, 282
overview 237-238
properties 250-251
properties of 250
sharing 251
storing connection pools on 307, 308, 310
See also the individual properties
adding 142, 166
class-based languages and 159
creating 166
getting list of for an object 138
indexing 141
inheritance 165, 173
initializing with constructors 167
iterating for an object 138
overview 137
static 437
protocol property 219, 240, 252
prototype-based languages, defined 157
prototypes 165, 202
stored procedures and 345


customizing output 324
displaying 324-325
QUERY_STRING CGI variable 219, 220, 240
query property 219, 240
quotation marks
with backslash 211
order of 209
for string literals 82


raw data type 376
-r compiler directive 58
readByte method 283, 285
readln method 283, 285
read method 283, 284
real data type 376
record values, displaying 328
redirect function 204, 214, 216, 218, 239, 257, 259, 260, 263, 266, 295
described 218
RegExp object 101-115
registerCFunction function 204, 288, 290
regular expressions 101-115
arrays and 148
creating 101
defined 101
examples of 113
global search with 112
ignoring case 112
parentheses in 107, 110
remembering substrings 107, 110
special characters in 103, 114
using 108
writing patterns 102
release method 312, 378, 381
REMOTE_ADDR CGI variable 220
REMOTE_HOST CGI variable 220
REMOTE_USER CGI variable 219, 220, 240
replace method 108
REQUEST_METHOD CGI variable 219, 220, 240
request bodies, manipulating 293-294
request headers 221, 223, 231
manipulating 292-293
request object 202, 207, 212, 216, 223, 239-242, 292, 294
creation 239
description of 239
example of property creation 224
and forms 241
in sample application 186
lifetime of 236, 239
overview 236-237
in page processing 212, 213
properties 219, 240-241
properties, and JavaScript variables 241
saving properties 218
setting properties with form elements 224
request properties encoding in URLs 226
changing 204, 218
header 228
manipulating raw data 292-295
redirecting 227
sharing a connection 313
terminating 218
request thread 411
response headers, manipulating 205, 295
responses, manipulating raw data 292-295
resultSet method 342, 347, 348, 379
Resultset object 202, 206, 341, 379, 380, 381
See also result sets
methods of 351
result sets 347
See also Resultset object
creating 348
Resultset object 347
return statement 130
returnValue method 343, 347, 352, 353
return values of stored procedures 353
rollback, glossary entry 436
rollbackTransaction method 313, 337, 378
rowid data type 376
runtime environment components 43
runtime library 43
runtime processing 208, 211-216
example 199


sample applications 181-194
Hangman 188-194
Hello World 183-188
SCRIPT_NAME CGI variable 221
scripts, changing client properties 214
SCRIPT tag 44, 202
See also client scripts
direct substitution in 228
when to use
search method 108
external libraries and 287
File object and 280
select lists 225
SELECT SQL statement 327, 328, 331, 333
SELECT tag 204, 224, 225
sendmail application 182
SendMail class 277-280
SendMail object 202, 206
send method 277
serial data type 375
administration functions 212
authorization 212
characteristics of 196
communicating with client 228
maintaining client object on 261-264
processes, objects for 251
restarting 289
routing 62
SERVER_NAME CGI variable 221
SERVER_PORT CGI variable 221
SERVER_PROTOCOL CGI variable 219, 221, 240
SERVER_URL CGI variable 221
server applications
developing 51
server-client communication 222-232
server cookies 256, 261, 262-263
glossary entry 436
lifetime of properties 265
server object 202, 207, 212, 251-253
description of 251
lifetime 252
lifetime of 238
locking 269, 272-273, 282
overview 238
properties 252
properties of 252
sharing data 253
server scripts
communicating with client 197
when to use 197
server-side JavaScript 28, 31-33
enabling 47
executing 216
glossary entry 436
illustrated 31, 32
server-side objects, lifetime of 197
SERVER tag 44, 197, 198, 203, 207, 208, 211
See also server scripts
in sample application 185, 186
when to use 211
server URL encoding 218, 223, 227, 261, 263-264
glossary entry 436
lifetime of properties 265
session key 220
Session Management Service 197, 212, 235-276
glossary entry 436
object overview 236-239
setDay method 149
setPosition method 283, 284
setTime method 150
SHLIB_PATH environment variable 363, 365, 368
short-circuit evaluation 93
sign-propagating right shift (>>) operator 90, 91
single-threaded databases 305
smalldatetime data type 376
smallfloat data type 375
smallint data type 374, 375, 376
smallmoney data type 376
Smtpserver property 278
source files 68
components of 55
creating 55-56
source script, example of 185
special characters in regular expressions 103, 114
special characters in URLs 227
special operators 93
split method 108
SQL 300
See also the individual statements
error handling 377-382
executing 325
glossary entry 436
SQL_BIGINT data type 375
SQL_BINARY data type 375
SQL_CHAR data type 375
SQL_DATE data type 375
SQL_DECIMAL data type 375
SQL_DOUBLE data type 375
SQL_FLOAT data type 375
SQL_INTEGER data type 375
SQL_LONGBINARY data type 375
SQL_LONGVARCHAR data type 375
SQL_NUMERIC data type 375
SQL_REAL data type 375
SQL_SMALLINT data type 375
SQL_TIME data type 375
SQL_TIMESTAMP data type 375
SQL_VARBINARY data type 375
SQL_VARCHAR data type 375
SQLTable method 312, 324, 378
ssjs_generateClientID function 205, 245, 315
ssjs_getCGIVariable function 205, 219, 220, 240
ssjs_getClientID function 205, 245, 262, 263
start field, of jsa.conf 71
break 123
conditional 118-120
continue 124
do...while 121
for 120 126
if...else 118
label 123
loop 120-125
object manipulation 125-127
overview 117-127
switch 119
while 122
static, glossary entry 437
stopped transaction, glossary entry 437
storedProcArgs method 345, 378, 379
stored procedures 341-355
See also Stproc object
arguments to 343
defining prototypes for 345
executing 345
in DB2 344
output parameters 353
parameters for 346
registering 344
result sets 342
return values 343, 353
steps for using 343
Stproc object 341, 343
storedProc method 313, 345, 379
Stproc object 202, 206, 341, 343, 379
See also stored procedures
creating 345
methods of 347
string data type 374, 375, 376
String function 135
string literals 82
String object 206
overview 155
regular expressions and 108
changing order using regular expressions 113
concatenating 93
operators for 93
parsing 204
regular expressions and 101
searching for patterns 101
type conversions (LiveConnect) 416
stringToByte method 283, 286
stubs 422
styles, configuration 63, 68
subclasses 158
Subject property 278
sun package 405
switch statement 119
Sybase 299
configuring 370-372
data types 374, 376
stored procedure prototypes 345
SYBASE environment variable 370, 371


targets, creating 210
TCP port 221
test method 108
text/html content type 292
text data type 375, 376
this keyword 140, 143
described 96
for object references 144
and databases 305
and Java 411
See backquotes
time data type 374
timestamp data type 374
tinyint data type 376
TNS_ADMIN environment variable 369
To property 278
toString method 420
trace utility 66, 67, 68
configuring 69
committing 304
controlling 337
glossary entry 437
managing 335-338
overview 335
rolling back 304
scope of 337
typeof operator 97


unary negation (-) operator 89
undefined property 75
undefined value 77
unescape function 135, 203
unique identifier 205
unlock method 251, 268-276
in sample application 187
updatable cursor
glossary entry 437
updateRow method 327, 335, 378
UPDATE SQL statement 336
upgrading applications 6
uppercase 77
uri field, of jsa.conf 71
uri property 241
URL-encoded variables
and request object 241
resetting 227
URL encoding
See also client URL encoding, server URL encoding
maintaining client object with 257, 259, 261
URLs 61, 221
adding client properties to 266-268
adding information to 204
application 61
changing 218
and client maintenance 259-261, 263-264
conventions used 26
creating 257
debug 67
dynamically generating 226
encoding information in 226-232
escaping characters in 203
glossary entry 437
including special characters 227
modifying 223
and redirect function 218
redirecting to 204
and reloading a page 227
and Session Management objects 238
to start and stop applications 64


VALUE attribute 228
varbinary data type 376
varchar2 data type 376
varchar data type 374, 375, 376
declaring 77
in JavaScript 77
naming 77
scope of 78
undefined 77
var statement 77
-v compiler directive 57
VDBCINI environment variable 367
versions of JavaScript 24
videoapp application 182, 385-397
and Informix 385
and ODBC 385
and SQL Server 385
video application
See videoapp application
viewer application 182
Visigenic, configuring 368
Visual JavaScript 35
void operator 98


WAI plug-ins 403
web files 44, 65
building 52
defined 56
glossary entry 437
moving 64
specifying path 60, 69
while loops
continuation of 124
termination of 123
while statement 122
with statement 153
described 126
for Java objects 403
for JavaScript objects 420
writeByte method 283, 285
write function 185, 204, 208, 216, 266, 281
with backquotes 209
and client maintenance 260
described 216
and flush 217
with SERVER tag 208
writeln method 283, 285
write method 283, 285
WWW, glossary entry 437


XOR (^) operator 90


zero-fill right shift (>>>) operator 90, 91

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