Who is Buying on the Internet:
(Profile of the average internet buyer)
Average Age: 33
Female: 35%
Male: 65%
Average income: $59K
Total respondents to Survey:
USA: 74%
Europe: 11%
Canada: 9%
Internet Usage:
78% of respondents use their web browser more than once a day
38% use it more frequently than 4 times a day
40% use the web 1-4 times a day
19% use it less frequently than once a day
Many people shop on line, but don't buy because they are concerned
about security issues:
33% have bought multiple products online
46% have never bought anything online
7% never accesses product information on the internet
53% of Netters between ages 19-25 have never bought online
What do users access on the net?:
48% reported they have never accessed a newsgroup or have only accessed them a few
14% use newsgroups several times a week
Older respondents tend to access newsgroups more frequently than younger, 23% access them
at least once a day
Primary use of web browser (most people checked off multiple
79% browsing
65% entertainment
51% work/research
How do the netters find out about your web page?:
91% find out about webpages from links on other webpages.
83% from popular search engines
64% from popular magazines
59% friends
44% newsgroups
40% newspapers
Web Browser bookmarks; how likely are they to "bookmark"
77% have between 11-50 bookmarks
19% have over 100 items listed
Marital status:
41% married
41% single
10% living with someone
5% divorced
30% educational
28% computer related
19% professional and management career
General Info:
Over 50% of users access the internet from home and pay for it themselves (as opposed
to work)
57% have one or more college degrees
88% use English as their first language
87% Caucasian