Mail or Fax in your order
Print out the following order form and either:
  1. Fax it to (604) 730-2480
  2. Snail mail it to: The Internet Marketing Center, 1123 Fir Ave. Blaine, WA 98230
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Yes, rush me Mailloop - The Ultimate Business Internet Software. You will receive an email within 48 hours giving you download instructions for Mailloop and an unlock code so you can start using it immediately.
Name: _________________________
Email: _________________________
Company (optional): ______________
Address: ______________________
City: __________________________
State: __________
Country: ____________
Zip: _________
Phone: (___) ____- ______
(  ) I am enclosing a check or money order for $379
(  ) I want to charge this purchase to my Credit Card

Credit Card (check one):

American Express
Card Number: _________________________

Expiry Date: _______

Signature: _____________________________

I authorize The Internet Marketing Center to charge $379 to my credit card for the purchase of the Mailloop software

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Capturé par MemoWeb ŕ partir de : 03/07/98