Exploit one product or idea to it's fullest
("banner" example used)
One of the biggest problems I see as I consult for businesses online is people trying to diversify. In other words trying many marketing ideas or products all at the
same time. Their concept is to go with the one that is profitable. You are destined for
failure if you spread yourself too "thin."
Once you decide on a viable business, spend all the necessary time on the one concept
to reap the full potential of the profit from that business.
So I often see clients take a product or idea and attempt to market it to the best of
their knowledge. They break even or make a small profit only to drop the idea or
product hoping they will find a way to make bigger profits. This is a mistake. You want
to tap into the idea of its full potential. When you find something that breaks even or
makes a small profit, why not refine it so it becomes really profitable?
Let me give you two personal examples:
We had a banner campaign that was working well where it was displayed.
Note: in case some of you do not know what I am referring to, a banner campaign is
where we pay advertising fees to sites for them to display our banner that links to our
But instead of leaving it and moving on to another promotion (like an email campaign or
whatever)... we decided we wanted to achieve better results. So we designed a few new banners and tested them.
The results: The banner that was originally making us approx. $1000/month was replaced
with a banner that pulled in twice the response. The testing took us two weeks, but we
have now increased our income $12,000 a year for years to come. Not bad for waiting 2
weeks to test some new ideas!
Here are the three banners and the reasons why the second and third one worked so
much better.
All these banners would link to my Car Secrets
Revealed site (http://www.igs.net/carsecrets/). Check it out if you want to see how the
banners reflect the site's content.