The Dell Store

The European Dell Store Team

Project "Alchemy"

In Alphabetical Order:

David BrookeVisual Interface DesignInternet Team
Gary ColeStore DeveloperElectronic Commerce Team
Stephane CoutinProject LeaderElectronic Commerce Team
Erwan GuiziouTools DeveloperElectronic Commerce Team
Emma HaileStore DeveloperElectronic Commerce Team
Kim JordanBusiness RelationsInternet Team
Khaled MohamedDatabase DeveloperElectronic Commerce Team
Paul RoffStore GuruInternet Team
Dan SilkApplication SupportElectronic Commerce Team
Andrew WeakleyStore DeveloperInternet Team

Pronunciation: 'al-k&-mE
Date: 14th century
1 : the forgotten art of making gold from very little (usually base metals such as QuickSilver). It requires a little bit of science, a touch of magic and is generally considered to be a pointless pursuit of the impossible
- al·chem·i·cal /-mi-k&l/ also al·chem·ic /al-'ke-mik/ adjective
- al·chem·i·cal·ly /-mi-k(&-)lE/ adverb

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