Aids to evaluate the market response and profit impact of marketing policies

Internet based participative modelling methods used by managers to assess market response (Decision calculus)

In most cases market response to a marketing effort is S-shaped. This means that, compared to a previous period, one can estimate the needed effort in order to maintain the same market response and one can identify the lower and higher limit within which the market response can vary given different amounts of marketing effort.
We use Internet programming facilities like the Java and Javascript language in order to obtain a communication tool that pools together market response estimations from several managers and develop through an interactive process a more reliable and managerially acceptable estimation of the market response.

Internet model based communication techniques to help managers interact and assess the impact of their policies on profits and on customer attraction and retention. (Fidelisator)

Participative modelling using new world wide communication technologies can go further than simply estimating market response. We have developed and published on the web a prototype model called "FIDELISATOR" for assessing the profit impact of different bank marketing mix strategies, combining traditional "offensive mix" elements (product, price, promotion, place) with newer "defensive" or "customer retention" mix elements (quality programs to increase satisfaction scores, switching costs and relationship communications). Models that can be communicated are a very efficient instrument for assessing complex market situations. They help isolate the essential problems to be solved and foster managerial creativity.

On line and off line strategic bank marketing simulations (Strategy simulation game).

We are building a comprehensive simulation model that we called "STRATEGY". It develops ideas initiated in the "FIDELISATOR" model but brings much more detail so that the model becomes realistic and can be used to simulate real world decisions. The simulation can be used either to explore several scenarios and determine policy impacts or it can serve as a pedagogical game to be used in indoor teaching programs for bank managers organised with the participation of academic moderators.
Our beta versions can work either ON-LINE as Java or Javascript programs on the Internet or they can work OFF-LINE as programs written in C++ on personal computers.