Bibliography of recent marketing articles about the Internet

**Multimedia market research Betsy Stewart,Marketing Research, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
******Rx for marketing research Vijay Mahajan,Jerry Wind,Marketing Research, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
**To our readers Tony Adams,Marketing Research, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
******A snapshot of U.S. research Diane K Bowers,Marketing Research, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
******Network effects in marketing Gordon A Wyner,Marketing Research, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
**Network effects in marketing Marketing Research, , 2, Chicago, Fall, 1999
**************************************************Pro and con: Internet interviewing Anonymous,Marketing Research, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
***Customer relationship measurement Gordon A Wyner,Marketing Research, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
**To our readers Tony Adams,Marketing Research, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
**The poll of polls Diane K Bowers,Marketing Research, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
**Turning data into knowledge Joan Palmquist,Lisa Ketola,Marketing Research, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
***Anticipating customer priorities Gordon A Wyner,Marketing Research, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
******How to build trust online Sandeep Dayal,Helene Landesberg,Michael Zeisser,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
****>From the editor Carolyn Neal,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
*******Marketing communication strategies for Y2K survival J D Mosley-Matchett,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
*****************************Information convergence: The next great innovation Daniel P Morrison,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
**Kotler on Marketing: How to Create, Win, and Dominate Markets R M Gordon,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
****Learning to love extranets Richard Vlosky,Renee J Fontenot,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
**********************Move over, e-commerce Ravi Kalakota,Ralph A Oliva,Bob Donath,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
*******The future of customers Gordon A Wyner,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
************The Online retailing opportunity Kevin Higgins,Marketing Management, , 3, Chicago, Fall, 1999
***Communicating for better channel relationships Jakki J Mohr,Robert J Fisher,John R Nevin,Marketing Management, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
**>From the editor Carolyn Pollard Neal,Marketing Management, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
****Tomorrow, the front office Kevin T Higgins,Marketing Management, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
*****Organizing to minimize a cyber-terrorist threat David A Griffith,Marketing Management, , 2, Chicago, Summer, 1999
*************Copyright perils can lurk on the business Web Ralph A Oliva,Sharda Prabakar,Marketing Management, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
**Engineering the price-value relationship Timothy Matanovich,Gary L Lilien,Arvind Rangaswamy,Marketing Management, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
***Closing the loop on loyalty Ross Goodwin,Brad Ball,Marketing Management, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
**The anytime, anywhere phone company Kevin T Higgins,Marketing Management, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
****Professional sports leagues: Marketing mix mayhem Rick Burton,Dennis Howard,Marketing Management, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
**Growing the trust relationship Christopher W Hart,Michael D Johnson,Marketing Management, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
***Growing the trust relationship Marketing Management, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
***Growing the trust relationship Marketing Management, , 1, Chicago, Spring, 1999
***A mountain of money Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
********Internet patents: A virtual land grab Marc E Brown,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
**Patents for profits and power Gina Fraone,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
********Internet leaders launch think tank Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
**Opinion: U.S. patent reform--a good invention James Pooley,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
***Mid-Atlantic draws increasing venture capital Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
**Electronics shipments growth 1999, 2000 Daryl Delano,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
***Letters Anonymous,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
**The computing millennium Michael Slater,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
**Y2K: Our silver anniversary! Kathleen Doler,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
******ehit or eflop? Gina Fraone,Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
***ehit or eflop? Electronic Business, , 1, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
**ehit or eflop? Electronic Business, , 12, Highlands Ranch, Jan, 2000
**Analog renaissance Russ Arensman,Electronic Business, , 12, Highlands Ranch, Dec, 1999
**********************Sony teams with research TV to bring HDTV to Internet2 Gina Fraone,Electronic Business, , 12, Highlands Ranch, Dec, 1999
**Chip maker predicts robust growth through 2001 Kathleen Doler,Electronic Business, , 12, Highlands Ranch, Dec, 1999
***********The network (provider) is the computer (designer) Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 12, Highlands Ranch, Dec, 1999
******Not your father's chip industry Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 12, Highlands Ranch, Dec, 1999
************Pillars of high tech Russ Britt,Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 12, Highlands Ranch, Dec, 1999
**Semiconductor segment sales Kathleen Doler,Electronic Business, , 12, Highlands Ranch, Dec, 1999
**Semiconductor segment sales Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Dec, 1999
**Start-ups, British style Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
*****Online food shopping lacks spontaneity Stanley H Brown,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
**E-channel demands distribution planning John Henderson,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
**Hot time in Cambridge Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
*************Getting their share Gina Fraone,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
********Former Internet entrepreneur tells all Gina Fraone,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
**The bigger the better? Bill Roberts,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
**Blown to Bits: Disjointed thoughts Tam Harbert,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
******************Uncle Sam studies the "digital divide" Daryl Delano,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
********The name game Bill Roberts,Electronic Business, , 11, Highlands Ranch, Nov, 1999
*******News track Robert Fox,Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, , 12, New York, Dec, 1997
**********************************************************************************************************A nation of strangers? James E Katz,Philip Aspden,Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, , 12, New York, Dec, 1997
**Retrieving and visualizing video Boon-Lock Yeo,Minerva M Yeung,Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, , 12, New York, Dec, 1997
***Slim binaries Michael Franz,Thomas Kistler,Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, , 12, New York, Dec, 1997
**Video abstracting Rainer Lienhart,Silvia Pfeiffer,Wolfgang Effelsberg,Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, , 12, New York, Dec, 1997
************************Visual information retrieval from large distributed online repositories Shih-Fu Chang,John R Smith,Mandis Beigi,Ana Benitez,Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM, , 12, New York, Dec, 1997
***Beginning again: Change and renewel in intellectual communities David W Stewart,Journal of Marketing, , 4, New York, Oct, 1999
****Marketing, Media, and McLuhan: Rereading the Prophet at Century's End Richard J Varey,Journal of Marketing, , 3, New York, Jul, 1999
**Marketer acculturation: The changer and the changed Lisa Penaloza,Mary C Gilly,Journal of Marketing, , 3, New York, Jul, 1999
***Shopping with other people's money: The marketing management implications Stanley C Hollander,Kathleen M Rassuli,of surrogate-mediated consumer decision making, , 2, Journal of Marketing, New, York
****Breaking up America: Advertisers and the New Media World Herbert J Rotfeld,Journal of Marketing, , 1, New York, Jan, 1999
**Brand positioning through advertising in Asia, North America, and Europe: Dana L Alden,Jan-Benedict E M Steenkamp,Rajeev Batra, The role of global consumer culture, , 1, Journal of Marketing, New, York
**Strategic service pricing and yield management Ramarao Desiraju,Steven M Shugan,Journal of Marketing, , 1, New York, Jan, 1999
**Implementing as interdisciplinary marketing/engineering course project: Kim McKeage,Deborah Skinner,R M Seymour,Darrell W Donahue,Tom Christensen, Project format, preliminary evaluation, and critical factor review, , 3, Journal of Marketing Education, Boulder,
*****Marketing education in the year 2000: Changes observed and challenges Denise T Smart,Craig A Kelley,Jeffrey S Conant,anticipated, , 3, Journal of Marketing Education, Boulder,
**Consumer generalization of nutrient content claims in advertising J Craig Andrews,Richard G Netemeyer,Scot Burton,Journal of Marketing, , 4, New York, Oct, 1998
********Marketing literature review Myron Leonard,Journal of Marketing, , 3, New York, Jul, 1998
***********Net Gain: Expanding Markets through Virtual Communities Birud Sindhav,Journal of Marketing, , 1, New York, Jan, 1998
**Learning to Write, Writing to Learn Leonard L Barry,Journal of Marketing, , 2, New York, Apr, 1998
***********************Interactive home shopping: Consumer, retailer, and manufacturer incentives Joseph Alba,John Lynch,Barton Weitz,Chris Janiszewski,et al,to participate in electronic marketplaces, , 3, Journal of Marketing, New, York
***********************Interactive home shopping: Consumer, retailer, and manufacturer incentives Joseph Alba,John Lynch,Barton Weitz,Chris Janiszewski,et al,to participate in electronic marketplaces, , 3, Journal of Marketing, New, York
**Co-opetition J Scott Armstrong,Journal of Marketing, , 2, New York, Apr, 1997
**Co-opetition J Scott Armstrong,Journal of Marketing, , 2, New York, Apr, 1997
****************Cyberspace: The marketing frontier Bruner, Gordon C II,Journal of Marketing, , 1, New York, Jan, 1997
****************Cyberspace: The marketing frontier Bruner, Gordon C II,Journal of Marketing, , 1, New York, Jan, 1997
**The static and dynamic mechanics of competition: A comment on Hunt and Dickson, Peter R,Morgan's comparative advantage theory, , 4, Journal of Marketing, New, York
**The static and dynamic mechanics of competition: A comment on Hunt and Dickson, Peter R,Morgan's comparative advantage theory, , 4, Journal of Marketing, New, York
********************************************Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments: Conceptual foundations Hoffman, Donna L; Novak, Thomas P,Journal of Marketing, , , New York, Jul, 1996
********************************************Marketing in hypermedia computer-mediated environments: Conceptual foundations Hoffman, Donna L; Novak, Thomas P,Journal of Marketing, , , New York, Jul, 1996
***Marketing literature review Leonard, Myron,Journal of Marketing, , 3, New York, Jul, 1996
***Marketing literature review Leonard, Myron,Journal of Marketing, , 3, New York, Jul, 1996
****Emerging role of technology licensing in the development of global product Kotabe, Masaaki; Sahay, Arvind; Aulakh, Preet, strategy: Conceptual framework and research propositions, , 1, Journal of Marketing, New, York
**Understanding the bond of identification: An investigation of its correlates Bhattacharya, C B; Rao, Hayagreeva; Glynn, Mary,among art museum members, , 4, Journal of Marketing, New, York
********An information search cost perspective for designing interfaces for electronic Abeer Y Hoque,Gerald L Lohse,commerce, , 3, JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, Chicago,
**The contingency value of complementary capabilities in product development Christine Moorman,Rebecca J Slotegraaf,JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, , 2, Chicago, May, 1999
******Market motives, distinctive capabilities, and domestic inertia: A hybrid Murali Chandrashekaran,Raj Mehta,Rajesh Chandrashekaran,Rajdeep Grewal,model of innovation generation, , 1, JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, Chicago,
**Designing the next study for maximum impact John U Farley,Donald R Lehmann,Lane H Mann,JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, , 4, Chicago, Nov, 1998
****Overcoming the early entrant advantage: The role of alignable and nonalignable Shi Zhang,Arthur B Markman,differences, , 4, JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, Chicago,
**Computer-Based Survey Software Packages: A Review Of Visual Q, The Survey Rajiv Vaidyanathan,System, Survey Pro, And Sensus, , 3, JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, Chicago,
***>From the editor Russell S Winer,JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, , 1, Chicago, Feb, 1998
**Lisrel: Issues, debates and strategies / Lisrel approaches to interaction Edward E Rigdon,effects in multiple regression, , 4, JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, Chicago,
**Information acceleration: Validation and lessons from the field Urban, Glen L,Hauser, John R,Qualls, William J,Weinberg, Bruce D,et al,JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, , 1, Chicago, Feb, 1997
*****Issues and opportunities in new product development: An introduction to Wind, Jerry,Mahajan, Vijay,the special issue, , 1, JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, Chicago,
****Resources for research and pedagogy on new product development processes Rao, Vithala R,JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, , 1, Chicago, Feb, 1997
*****Software tools for new product development Rangaswamy, Arvind,Lilien, Gary L,JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, , 1, Chicago, Feb, 1997
**Too little, too early: Introduction timing and new product performance Bayus, Barry L,Jain, Sanjay,Rao, Ambar G,in the personal digital assistant industry, , 1, JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, Chicago,
**A Bayesian approach for estimating target market potential with limited Putler, Daniel S; Kalyanam, Kirthi; Hodges, James,geodemographic information, , 2, JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, Chicago,
**Reflections on "a meta-analysis of applications of diffusion models" Sultan, Fareena; Farley, John U; Lehmann, Donald,JMR, Journal of Marketing Research, , 2, Chicago, May, 1996
** Balasubramanian, Sridhar ,Volume: 17 , 17, 3, , ,
**Codes of ethics in Hong Kong: Their adoption and impact in the run up Robin S Snell,Almaz M-K Chak,Jess W-H Chu,to the 1997 transition of sovereignty to China, 17, 4, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
*****************************The workplace on the verge of the 21st century Richard S Rosenberg,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 1, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
*********************The commodification of information and the extension of proprietary rights Tomas A Lipinski,into the public domain: Recent legal (case and other) developments in, 17, 1, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**A survey of ethics officers in large organizations Duffy A Morf,Michael G Schumacher,Scott J Vitell,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 3, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**Ethical perspectives on the postmodern communications Leviathan Christopher E Hackley,Philip J Kitchen,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 1, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**Give peace a chance: A mantra for business strategy Edmund F Byrne,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 1, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
***An assessment of the proposed academy of marketing science code of ethics O C Ferrell,for marketing educators, 17, 2, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
***Social responsibility and the marketing educator: A focus on stakeholders, Naresh K Malhotra,Gina L Miller,ethical theories, and related codes of ethics, 17, 2, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**Cyberspace: The final frontier? Patrick Sean Liam Flanagan,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 1, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**************Has technology introduced new ethical problems? Kimball P Marshall,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 1, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**Introduction: Promoting business ethics Mary D Maury,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 1, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**What can Eastern philosophy teach us about business ethics? Daryl Koehn,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 1, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**Pharmaceutical advertisements: How they decieve patients Ashish Chandra,Gary A Holt,Journal of Business Ethics, 17, 4, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**Ethical judgments across cultures: A comparison between business students Jenny Goodwin,David Goodwin,from Malaysia and New Zealand, 17, 3, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
***Ethical judgments across cultures: A comparison between business students from Malaysia and New Zealand, 17, 3, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
***Ethical judgments across cultures: A comparison between business students from Malaysia and New Zealand, 17, 4, Print Media Subtitle: JBE, Dordrecht,
**ISO 14020s Environmental Labelling-Marketing G M Naidu,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 4, Greenvale, Fall, 1997
***************************************************************************Do you see what I see? The future of virtual shopping Raymond R Burke,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 4, Greenvale, Fall, 1997
*******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Exploring the implications of the Internet for consumer marketing Robert A Peterson,Sridhar Balasubramanian,Bart J Bronnenberg,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 4, Greenvale, Fall, 1997
*******************Commentary on "Exploring the Implications of the Internet for Consumer John Deighton,Marketing", 17, 4, Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, Greenvale,
**Strategic Marketing for Educational Institutions, 2d ed. Joseph Hunter,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1997
**Customer value: The next source for competitive advantage Robert B Woodruff,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1997
**Changes in the theory of interorganizational relations in marketing: Toward Achrol, Ravi S,a network paradigm, 17, 1, Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, Greenvale,
**Changes in the theory of interorganizational relations in marketing: Toward a network paradigm, 17, 1, Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, Greenvale,
**Marketing of risky sports: From intention to action Aviv Shoham,Gregory M Rose,Lynn R Kahle,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 4, Greenvale, Fall, 1998
**Implementation strategies in the market-driven strategy era David W Cravens,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 3, Greenvale, Summer, 1998
**Marketing Channel Management: People, Products, and Programs James R Brown,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 3, Greenvale, Summer, 1998
**Retailing Trimphs and Blunders: Victims of Competition in the New Age Mary Joyce,of Marketing Management, 17, 3, Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, Greenvale,
**When customers are members: Customer retention in paid membership contexts C B Bhattacharya,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1998
****Dynamic relationships with customers: High-variety strategies Barbara E Kahn,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1998
*****Leveraged high-variety strategies: From portfolio thinking to platform Mohanbir S Sawhney,thinking, 17, 1, Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, Greenvale,
**The Truth About Yellow Pages: Making Them Work for You Art Weinstein,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1998
**The Truth About Yellow Pages: Making Them Work for You Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Winter, 1998
**Global Perspectives in Cross-cultural and Cross-National Consumer Research John Hadjimarcou,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1998
***********Personal Jurisdiction: Is Internet Presence Enough? Greogory C Mosier,James M Jackman,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1998
**Relational benefits in services industries: The customer's perspective Kevin P Gwinner,Dwayne D Gremler,Mary Jo Bitner,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1998
***Cybermarketing: Your Interactive Marketing Consultant Catherine Atwong,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 3, Greenvale, Summer, 1999
****The Emerging High-Tech Consumer: A Market Profile and Marketing Strategy Craig A Conrad,Implications, 17, 3, Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, Greenvale,
******Cybertalk That Sells Birud Sindhav,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 3, Greenvale, Summer, 1999
*****Electronic Marketing and the Consumer Maria Sannella,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 3, Greenvale, Summer, 1999
**Theory and external validity John G Lynch Jr,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 3, Greenvale, Summer, 1999
***Business to Business Marketing Mary Kay,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1999
**Guest editorial: The past, present, and future of the marketing discipline Naresh K Malhotra,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1999
**Marketing research: A state-of-the-art review and directions for the twenty-first Naresh K Malhotra,Mark Peterson,Susan Bardi Kleiser,century, 17, 2, Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, Greenvale,
******Sampling in the twenty-first century Seymour Sudman,Edward Blair,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1999
**************Trademark dilution and the practice of marketing Robert A Peterson,Karen H Smith,Philip C Zerrillo,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1999
******************Organizing and managing channels of distribution Gary L Frazier,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 2, Greenvale, Spring, 1999
**Selling Sin: The Marketing of Socially Unacceptable Products Sandra A Waddock,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1999
*********************************Revisiting marketing's lawlike generalizations Jagdish N Sheth,Rajendra S Sisodia,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, , Greenvale, Winter, 1999
******Strategy content and process perspectives revisited P Rajan Varadarajan,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1999
**The Handbook for Focus Group Research Deborah Utter,Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1999
**The Handbook for Focus Group Research Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1999
**The Handbook for Focus Group Research Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1999
***The Handbook for Focus Group Research Academy of Marketing Science. Journal, 17, 1, Greenvale, Winter, 1999
***** Volume: 7 R M Gordon ,, 7, 3, , ,
****************** Volume: 7 Ralph A Oliva ,Sharda Prabakar ,, 7, 3, , ,
** Volume: 7 Gary L Lilien ,Arvind Rangaswamy ,Timothy Matanovich ,, 7, 3, , ,
** Paul Saffo ,Volume: 75 , 75, 5, , ,
** Anonymous ,Volume: 75 , 75, 5, , ,
**Authors: Kim B Clark Carliss Y Baldwin ,Kim B Clark , , 75, 5, Volume: 75 , ,
*************************Authors: Alan MacCormack Marco Iansiti ,Alan MacCormack , , 75, 5, Volume: 75 , ,
**** Anonymous ,Volume: 75 , 75, 5, , ,
** Lester C Thurow ,Volume: 75 , 75, 5, , ,
************Authors: Thomas S Wurster Philip B Evans ,Thomas S Wurster , , 75, 5, Volume: 75 , ,
********** Esther Dyson ,Volume: 75 , 75, 5, , ,
** Volume: 75 , 75, 5, , ,
**How process enterprises really work Michael Hammer,Steven Stanton,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
**Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
****************Getting real about virtual commerce Philip Evans,Thomas S Wurster,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
*******Marketing breakthrough products Thomas J Waite,Allan L Cohen,Robert Buday,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
*****Redesigning business Regina Fazio Maruca,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
***Stock or cash? Alfred Rappaport,Mark L Sirower,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
***The new economy's troubling trade gap Eamonn Fingleton,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
***The strategic power of saying Susan Bishop,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
*********************The new economy is stronger than you think William A Sahlman,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
***Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World John T Landry,Wide Web by Its Inventor, 75, 6, Harvard Business Review, Boston,
*****Redesigning business Regina Fazio Maruca,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
***Stock or cash? Alfred Rappaport,Mark L Sirower,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
***The new economy's troubling trade gap Eamonn Fingleton,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
***The strategic power of saying Susan Bishop,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
*********************The new economy is stronger than you think William A Sahlman,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1999
***Weaving the Web: The Original Design and Ultimate Destiny of the World John T Landry,Wide Web by Its Inventor, 75, 6, Harvard Business Review, Boston,
***A new way to manage process knowledge Nicholas G Carr,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
******Bringing Silicon Valley inside Gary Hamel,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
***Capturing the real value in high-tech acquisitions Saikat Chaudhuri,Behnam Tabrizi,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
**Pioneering distance education in Africa David A Light,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
***A new way to manage process knowledge Nicholas G Carr,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
******Bringing Silicon Valley inside Gary Hamel,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
***Capturing the real value in high-tech acquisitions Saikat Chaudhuri,Behnam Tabrizi,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
**Pioneering distance education in Africa David A Light,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
********Go downstream: The new profit imperative in manufacturing Richard Wise,Peter Baumgartner,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
**Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
**Job sculpting: The art of retaining your best people Timothy Butler,James Waldroop,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
***Organigraphs: Drawing how companies really work Henry Mintzberg,Ludo Van der Heyden,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
**The rise and fall of the J. Peterman Company John Peterman,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
*************The new meaning of quality in the information age C K Prahalad,M S Krishnan,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1999
**Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
******How e-commerce will trump brand management Peter Sealey,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
**Marketing: The economics of piracy Nicholas G Carr,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
************Retailing: Confronting the challenges that face bricks-and-mortar stores Regina Fazio Maruca,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
**Digital Darwinism: Seven Break-through Business Strategies for Surviving John T Landry,in the Cutthroat Web Economy, 75, 4, Harvard Business Review, Boston,
******************E-commerce: Taxing the Web Andrea Ovans,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
**Digital Darwinism: Seven Break-through Business Strategies for Surviving John T Landry, in the Cutthroat Web Economy, 75, 4, Harvard Business Review, Boston,
******************E-commerce: Taxing the Web Andrea Ovans,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
******How e-commerce will trump brand management Peter Sealey,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
**Marketing: The economics of piracy Nicholas G Carr,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
************Retailing: Confronting the challenges that face bricks-and-mortar stores Regina Fazio Maruca,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
**Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
*****What high-tech managers need to know about brands Scott Ward,Larry Light,Jonathan Goldstine,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
**Why good companies go bad Donald N Sull,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1999
***Brief reviews John T Landry,Harvard Business Review, 75, 3, Boston, May_Jun, 1999
******>From spare change to real change Rosabeth Moss Kanter,Harvard Business Review, 75, 3, Boston, May_Jun, 1999
**Is your web site socially savvy? Andrea Ovans,Harvard Business Review, 75, 3, Boston, May_Jun, 1999
**Building consumer banking internationally Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1999
**Are managers obsolete? Thomas M Hout,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1999
**Driving change: An interview with Ford Motor Company's Jacques Nasser Suzy Wetlaufer,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1999
**Ideas for now--and always Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1999
**************Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1999
**************************************Web site blues Regina Fazio Maruca,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1999
*********Unbundling the corporation John Hagel III,Marc Singer,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1999
**Unbundling the corporation Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1999
**Disciplined decisions: Aligning strategy with the financial markets Martha Amram,Nalin Kulatilaka,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1999
****Creating new market space W Chan Kim,Renee Mauborgne,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1999
***The catalyst for a new organization Francesco Caio,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1999
*****The human moment at work Edward M Hallowell,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1999
*************************************************************Judo strategy: The competitive dynamics of Internet time David B Yoffie,Michael A Cusumano,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1999
**Product development Eileen Roche,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1999
******Marketing John T Landry,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1999
*****Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1999
*****Hypermediation: Commerce as clickstream Nicholas G Carr,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
***************************Patterns of disruption in retailing Clayton M Christensen,Richard S Tedlow,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
**It's 2000: Some of the rules haven't changed Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
****Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
***Narcissistic leaders: The incredible pros, the inevitable cons Michael Maccoby,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
***The age of the choiceboard Adrian J Slywotzky,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
***************Coevolving: At last, a way to make synergies work Kathleen M Eisenhardt,D Charles Galunic,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
**The electronic negotiator Regina Fazio Maruca,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
************Beating microsoft at its own game J Bradford DeLong,A Michael Froomkin,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
********Common sense and conflict: An interview with Disney's Michael Eisner Suzy Wetlaufer,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
************************Co-opting customer competence C K Prahalad,Venkatram Ramaswamy,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
***The future of commerce Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
**The mismanagement of advertising John Philip Jones,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
****The new Atlantic century Hermann Simon,Max Otte,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
**The new Atlantic century Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 2000
*****Are networks driving the new economy? Peter L Bernstein,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
**How venture capital works Bob Zider,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
***What's new at AAB Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
***The old-new economy Nan Stone,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
*****The new math of ownership Bill Gross,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
**Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
**Information technology: The Euro problem Andrea Ovans,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
*****The case of the profitless PC Andy Blackburn,Matt Halprin,Ruth Veloria,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
*****Versioning: The smart way to sell information Carl Shapiro,Hal R Varian,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov_Dec, 1998
**In search of productivity Stephen S Roach,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1998
**Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1998
**Desperately seeking synergy Michael Goold,Andrew Campbell,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1998
***************Telecommunications: Is it time to unplug your fax machine? Liz Simoneau,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1998
**Fast, global, and entrepreneurial: Supply chain management, Hong Kong Joan Magretta,style: An interview with Victor Fung, 75, 5, Harvard Business Review, Boston,
***The right mind-set for managing information technology M Bensaou,Michael Earl,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1998
*******************The dawn of the e-lance economy Thomas W Malone,Robert J Laubacher,Harvard Business Review, 75, 5, Boston, Sep_Oct, 1998
**Connectivity and control in the year 2000 and beyond Richard L Nolan,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1998
********Electronic commerce: A new take on Web shopping John T Landry,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1998
**Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1998
**Marketing: Technology's garden of paradox David Champion,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1998
**Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system Thomas H Davenport,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1998
**Welcome to the experience economy B Joseph Pine II,James H Gilmore,Harvard Business Review, 75, 4, Boston, Jul_Aug, 1998
**Choke points in the profit pool Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 3, Boston, May_Jun, 1998
**How to map your industry's profit pool Orit Gadiesh,James L Gilbert,Harvard Business Review, 75, 3, Boston, May_Jun, 1998
**The necessary art of persuasion Jay A Conger,Harvard Business Review, 75, 3, Boston, May_Jun, 1998
**The necessary art of persuasion Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, May_Jun, 1998
***Bringing discipline to project management Jeffrey Elton,Justin Roe,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1998
****Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1998
*************************************************************************************Making business sense of the Internet Shikhar Ghosh,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1998
**The politics of E-mail Nicholas Carr,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1998
***The power of virtual integration: An interview with Dell Computer's Michael Joan Magretta,Dell, 75, 2, Harvard Business Review, Boston,
***Time pacing: Competing in markets that won't stand still Kathleen M Eisenhardt,Shona L Brown,Harvard Business Review, 75, 2, Boston, Mar_Apr, 1998
**1997 McKinsey Awards Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1998
**A new mandate for human resources Dave Ulrich,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1998
**Letters to the editor Anonymous,Harvard Business Review, 75, 1, Boston, Jan_Feb, 1998
*******Inside Intel Brandenburger, Adam M; Nalebuff, Barry J,Harvard Business Review, 75, 6, Boston, Nov-Dec, 1996
**** Murray Raphel ,Volume: 61 , 61, 8, , ,
** Volume: 15 Daniel Burrus ,, 15, 4, , ,
******** Volume: 15 Betsy Reeves ,, 15, 19, , ,
** Volume: 15 , 15, 19, , ,
**Postexperience advertising effects on consumer memory Kathryn A Braun,Journal of Consumer Research, 15, 4, Gainesville, Mar, 1999
**The effect of time pressure on consumer choice deferral Ravi Dhar,Stephan M Nowlis,Journal of Consumer Research, 15, 4, Gainesville, Mar, 1999
****Authors: Magid Igbaria Tor Guimaraes ,Magid Igbaria , , 28, 4, Volume: 28 , ,
**Authors: Ronald B Wilkes Narender K Ramarapu ,Mark N Frolick ,Ronald B Wilkes ,James C Wetherbe , , 28, 4, Authors: James C Wetherbe , ,
** Scott E Sampson ,Volume: 27 , 27, 4, , ,
******Empirically testing the relationship between end-user computing problems Tor Guimaraes,Yash P Gupta,R Kelly Rainer Jr,and information center success factors, 27, 2, Decision Sciences, Atlanta,
*****Information systems management issues: Reporting and relevance Prashant C Palvia,Suvojit Choton Basu,Decision Sciences, 27, 1, Atlanta, Winter, 1999
**Development and measurement validity of a task-technology fit instrument Dale L Goodhue,for user evaluations of information systems, 27, 1, Decision Sciences, Atlanta,
***Volume: 17 Julie Bort,, 17, 8, , ,
*** Noah Shachtman,, 17, 669, , ,
**Volume: 31 Wagner, Mitch,, 31, 9, , ,
** Charlotte Dunlap,, 31, 745, , ,
**Authors: Kate Maddox Kate Maddox,Kate Maddox,Volume: 69, 69, 22, , ,
***Authors: Kate Maddox Volume: 69, 69, 22, , ,
**Volume: 31 Wagner, Mitch,, 31, 9, , ,
*** Noah Shachtman,, 31, 669, , ,
** Charlotte Dunlap,, 31, 745, , ,
***Volume: 17 Julie Bort,, 17, 8, , ,
*********Volume: 17 Bayne, Kim M,, 17, 8, , ,
******************************How many are really on the electronic superhighway?: An analysis of the Keller, Edward B,Fay, W Bradford,effects of survey methodologies, 17, 6, Journal of Advertising Research, New, York
**Advertising value and advertising on the Web Ducoffe, Robert H,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 5, New York, Sep_Oct, 1996
***Changing demands Wacker, Watts,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 1, New York, Jan_Feb, 1996
**Changing needs for brands Agres, Stuart J; Dubitsky, Tony M,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 1, New York, Jan_Feb, 1996
***Changing needs for brands Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 1, New York, Jan_Feb, 1996
**Brand management in a marketplace war zone Irene B Rosenfeld,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 5, New York, Sep_Oct, 1997
**Direct marketing advertising: The assents, the dissents, and the ambivalents Pradeep K Korgaonkar,Eric J Karson,Ishmael Akaah,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 5, New York, Sep_Oct, 1997
**Integrated marketing communications in U.S. advertising agencies: An exploratory Don E Schultz,Philip J Kitchen,study, 17, 5, Journal of Advertising Research, New, York
*****Profiling user responses to commercial Web sites John Eighmey,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 3, New York, May_Jun, 1997
***Profiling user responses to commercial Web sites Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, May_Jun, 1997
**Avoiding copyright and other legal pitfalls in setting up your Web site Elaine P English,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
**********************************Advertising: Brand communications styles in established media and the Joseph C Philport,Jerry Arbittier,Internet, 17, 2, Journal of Advertising Research, New, York
******In praise of hypertext Denman Maroney,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
********Advertising on the Web: Is there response before click-through? Rex Briggs,Nigel Hollis,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
***********Testing Web site design and promotional content Xavier Dreze,Fred Zufryden,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
***************The interactions between computer and television usage Steve Coffey,Horst Stipp,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
************************The expanded ARF model: Bridge to the accountable advertising future Bill Harvey,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
****************The interactive telemedia index: An Internet/ITV impact model Craig Gugel,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
***************************The once and future Web: Scenarios for advertisers Scott C McDonald,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
**************************************************The role and effect of Web addresses in advertising Lynda M Maddox,Darshan Mehta,Hugh G Daubek,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1997
**Carpe diem, take advantage of time Paula A Sneed,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 1, New York, Jan_Feb, 1997
****Carpe diem, take advantage of time Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 1, New York, Jan_Feb, 1997
***************Comparing the effectiveness of the Web site with traditional media Elaine K F Leong,Xueli Huang,Paul-John Stanners,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 5, New York, Sep_Oct, 1998
******Matching the message to the mind: Advertising imagery and consumer processing Priscilla A LaBarbera,Peter Weingard,Eric A Yorkston,styles, 17, 5, Journal of Advertising Research, New, York
***Public attitudes toward advertising: More favorable than you might think Sharon Shavitt,Pamela Lowrey,James Haefner,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 4, New York, Jul_Aug, 1998
**Public attitudes toward advertising: More favorable than you might think Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 3, New York, Jul_Aug, 1998
****************************************Is Internet advertising ready for prime time? Xavier Dreze,Fred Zufryden,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 3, New York, May_Jun, 1998
***Is Internet advertising ready for prime time? Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, May_Jun, 1998
****************************************************************************************************************************************************Advertiser perceptions of the Internet as a marketing communications tool Alan J Bush,Victoria Bush,Sharon Harris,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1998
********************Interactive functions and their impacts on the appeal of Internet presence Sanjoy Ghose,Wenyu Dou, sites, 17, 2, Journal of Advertising Research, New, York
**Interactive functions and their impacts on the appeal of Internet presence sites, 17, 2, Journal of Advertising Research, New, York
**************Attitude toward the site Qimei Chen,William D Wells,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 5, New York, Sep_Oct, 1999
********"Mass customization" is not an oxy-moron Robert J Lavidge,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 4, New York, Jul_Aug, 1999
********************Response variation in e-mail surveys: An exploration Kim Bartel Sheehan,Sally J McMillan,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 4, New York, Jul_Aug, 1999
**Out of the lab and into the field: A pilot test of the personal protable Robert H Patchen,Ronald S Kolessar,meter, 17, 4, Journal of Advertising Research, New, York
**Out of the lab and into the field: A pilot test of the personal protable meter, 17, 3, Journal of Advertising Research, New, York
*****Editorial: Another unsolved problem Arthur J Kover,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 3, New York, May_Jun, 1999
********************************************************************************************************************************************************The Internet shopper Naveen Donthu,Adriana Garcia,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 3, New York, May_Jun, 1999
***A multi-country comparison of the drive for IMC Philip J Kitchen,Don E Schultz,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 1, New York, Jan_Feb, 1999
***Agency perceptions and practices on Global IMC Stephen J Gould,Dawn B Lerman,Andreas F Grein,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 1, New York, Jan_Feb, 1999
**Editorial: Methods and individuals Arthur J Kover,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1999
**Q is accounting for tastes Marten Brouwer,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1999
*******************************A multivariate analysis of Web usage Pradeep K Korgaonkar,Lori D Wolin,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1999
********************Online-service adoption likelihood Carolyn A Lin,Journal of Advertising Research, 17, 2, New York, Mar_Apr, 1999